school pupils

Six high school pupils holding sit-in detained by police
CORFU. Charges were filed against them for disrupting the operation of a service, and they were then released.

Stefanos Poulimenos: "Kastellani Mesi pupils are still attending classes in containers!"
CORFU. "ESPA funds remain unused and have been lost."

Upper Square filled with hundreds of dancing children!
CORFU. Pupils from 12 Corfu primary schools enjoyed a morning of dance in the Upper Square.

12th Primary School pupils ΄adopt΄ Vidos beach
CORFU. School outing to clean up the beach on Sunday 11 June.

School pupils lay wreaths for 25th March National Anniversary
CORFU. Talks on the significance of 25 March at all the schools.

Over 1,500 pupils given guided tour of Corfu museums and archaeological sites
CORFU. The school pupils were given the tours on the occasion of International Tourist Guide Day.

Acharavi Primary School pupils learn about recycling
CORFU. The pupils visited Acharavi Green Spot to learn about recycling.

Two Corfu pupils in National ΄Archimedes΄ Mathematical Olympiad
CORFU. The competition takes place on Saturday 18 February at 10:00.

Chamber of Commerce: Cutting of New Year Cake and presentation of awards to high school pupils
CORFU. Pupils who have performed well will be presented with special awards, gifts and money.

Pupils send Christmas cards to Corfu Prison inmates
CORFU. School pupils sent Christmas cards to the students at Corfu Prison ΄Second Chance΄ school.

More symbolic sit-ins at North Corfu schools in protest against Smile of the Child closure
CORFU. The pupils are calling on others to take part in the protest in Corfu Town at 11:00 on Thursday 22 December.

Agros pupils protest against the closure of Smile of the Child
CORFU. The pupils are calling on other schools and anyone else to join the protest in Corfu Town on Thursday 22 December.

Attempted sit-in at 1st & 2nd High Schools by hooded pupils
CORFU. The situation was quickly dealt with without the need for police.

1st & 5th Junior High School pupils refuse to go into class in protest
CORFU. Their demands include bigger facilities for the two schools and changes to the timetable.

Corfu 3rd Junior High connects with Polish schools
CORFU. Corfu 3rd Junior High School teachers travelled to Cracow as part of the Erasmus+ programme.

Free rapid tests for school pupils in North Corfu
CORFU. The free rapid tests, if they are considered necessary, will be conducted at Ag. Athanasios Health Centre.

School sit-ins coming to an end
CORFU. Vandalism at the 2nd High School again - Broken windows at the 1st Vocational High School.

Sit-ins at Corfu 3rd High School and Paxos Junior High have now ended
CORFU. Sit-ins at the 1st, 2nd and 4th High Schools and the 1st and 2nd Vocational High Schools are continuing.