12th Primary School pupils ΄adopt΄ Vidos beach

CORFU. School outing to clean up the beach on Sunday 11 June.
Showing their sensitivity to environmental issues, Corfu 12th Primary School pupils have decided to "adopt" the 'Maestros' beach on Vidos Island and take care of it.
This year, the school's annual outing, which takes place at the end of the school year, will take the form of an awareness and information campaign about coastal pollution and environmental protection.
The initiative for the students to participate in the WWF Greece "Adopt a Beach" programme came from the Parents and Guardians Association and was enthusiastically welcomed by the 282 primary school pupils..
The 12th Primary School is currently the only school in Corfu participating in the pioneering WWF Greece programme for the research, recording, and combating of coastal pollution, with the citizens of tomorrow as its protagonists.
The President of the 12th Primary School Parents and Guardians Association, Nikolina Koskina, told Enimerosi that the pupils, through their actions, will set a good example for other schools, conveying the vision of clean seas and coasts. To this end, the Association decided that this year's school outing to mark the end of the year would take place within the geographical boundaries of Corfu, in order to carry out this special initiative that, although symbolic, has its own distinct message to society.
"As the Parents and Guardians Association, with a special love for our island and its beauty, earlier this year we decided to 'adopt' the beach on Vidos," said Ms Koskin. "Moreover, we have the pleasure and honour of being the first primary school in Corfu Town to take this initiative and join the WWF programme. Through this outing, all of us, young and old, hope to raise awareness about the need to protect the natural environment, which is so threatened in our times. Above all, we want to get to know our island and the natural beauty that surrounds us a little better, and to love it a little more."
The WWF Greece "Adopt a Beach" programme is a nationwide initiative that focuses on monitoring coastal pollution with the contribution of volunteer groups. It is an important initiative as it helps us understand where all the plastic waste found on beaches comes from and how we can combat it.
It is for the pupils of the 12th Primary School to decide how much effort they will put into the programme. However, if the "adoption" period lasts for more than one school year, it can become a permanent project for the school.