Friday 20.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ


16 Jul 2018 / 10:17
Temploni Cultural Society report that there is now a 4th mountain of rubbish at the landfill.

CORFU. A new video and photos from Temploni Cultural Society.

16 Jul 2018 / 06:47
Incidents in Lefkimmi - riot police use chemicals

LEFKIMMI. Local residents came up against a police cordon when they attempted to enter the access road for Lefkimmi landfill.

15 Jul 2018 / 07:12
Another protest demonstration on Sunday evening - marching to Lefkimmi landfill

LEFKIMMI. Lefkimmi residents stressed that their demonstration - in which they will attempt to march to the landfill - will be peaceful.

13 Jul 2018 / 06:17
Another protest rally in Lefkimmi on Saturday

LEFKIMMI. The demonstration will gather at 20:00 in Riglades, Agion Panton Square and then proceed towards the Regional Building at the port crossroads.

09 Jul 2018 / 05:43
Big demonstration against riot police and use of Lefkimmi landfill

LEFKIMMI. South Corfu residents held a big demonstration at the crossroads leading to Lefkimmi landfill with chants and banners protesting against the presence of the police.

05 Jul 2018 / 16:49
Temploni cells closed down permanently: Solid Waste Management Organization fined

CORFU. The decision to close down the three cells (A, B & C) at Temploni landfill came from the Ionian Islands Regional Governor on the recommendation of the responsible department. Administrative penalties and fine were also imposed on SYDISA.

05 Jul 2018 / 11:41
Protest rally in Lefkimmi on Sunday against the presence of riot police and use of the landfill

CORFU. In order to reaffirm its opposition to the Lefkimmi landfill and the presence of riot police Lefkimmi Cultural Society is calling on the public to attend the rally on Sunday night.

02 Jul 2018 / 14:28
Change of shift for riot police at Lefkimmi

CORFU. The sight of a riot police (MAT) van disembarking from the Igoumenitsa-Corfu ferry boat caused Lefkimmi residents to fear that ΄reinforcements΄ had arrived.

01 Jul 2018 / 07:17
First photos of the waste bales at Lefkimmi landfill

LEFKIMMI. Local residents have posted the first photos of the waste bales at Lefkimmi landfill on social media.

29 Jun 2018 / 09:41
Today΄s protest rally in town cancelled by Lefkimmi residents

LEFKIMMI. The Lefkimmi residents΄ protest rally in town planned for this evening has been cancelled.

28 Jun 2018 / 10:35
The convoy of lorries transferring the waste bales

CORFU. The convoy of lorries transporting the waste bales from Temploni landfill to Lefkimmi with a police escort.

28 Jun 2018 / 05:33
Lefkimmi residents face off with the riot police

LEFKIMMI. For the second day Lefkimmi residents gathered on the streets opposite the riot police (MAT).

27 Jun 2018 / 09:09
΄War΄ Report: Seven arrests, two injuries and one police van damaged!

CORFU. All was quiet today in the area which showed clear signs of last night΄s clashes. Things are expected to flare up again when the first trucks appear with the waste bales from Temploni.

27 Jun 2018 / 06:46
Four arrests following last night΄s incidents with the riot police in Lefkimmi.

CORFU. Four people - three men and one woman - were arrested following incidents that began at 11pm in Lefkimmi where squads of riot police have been positioned since early Tuesday morning.

27 Jun 2018 / 05:07
Lefkimmi: Molotov cocktails thrown and riot police use chemicals

CORFU. Incidents in Lefkimmi last night where the riot police (MAT) were positioned.

26 Jun 2018 / 13:50
Riot police incidents: Two people held for questioning and one policeman injured

CORFU. The tension in Lefkimmi between residents and riot police led to two residents being held for questioning.

26 Jun 2018 / 09:34
Lots of tension in Lefkimmi with the riot police

Local residents continue to gather round the police cordon in Lefkimmi.