Friday 20.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Temploni Cultural Society report that there is now a 4th mountain of rubbish at the landfill.

waste management
16 Jul 2018 / 09:52

CORFU. A new video and photos from Temploni Cultural Society.

From recent aerial photographs it is clear that a new 'mountain' has been created at the Temploni facility. The three cells have closed following the decision of the Regional Governor and the Court decision prior to that on 25th May.

However, the baling facility can in no way keep up with the amount of rubbish arriving, resulting in the build-up of a mountain of waste. This is located in the composting area which doesn't have the necessary requirements to accept unprocessed waste.

Along with the video and photos, the Cultural Society posted the following: "In the video from 12th July it can be clearly seen that the composting area has been filled with mixed waste and that behind the 3rd cell the waste remains unburied.

This shows clearly why entrance to the landfill has been prohibited and confirms the violations of environmental regulations (over 75) listed by the Regional Environmental Inspection team. Based on these the Regional Governor imposed the fine of 190,000 Euros.

Naturally, this fine will be passed on to all of us through the local taxes - not for the first time and unfortunately, not for the last. The EU fine is the largest one following the verdict of the European Court and is on a daily basis!!

In a well-governed and well-coordinated country that respects both the environment and its citizens the facility should, at the very least, have been closed and the only matter to be discussed should be its replacement and repair. Nothing else. But, as we said, that would be in a state where the authorities respect the citizens..."