Cooperation agreement between Ionian University and Münster University in Germany

CORFU. To organise joint study programmes, implement joint research programmes, organise conferences, seminars and lectures.
The Ionian University inaugurated its collaboration with top educational institutions in Germany by signing the Cooperation Agreement with the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (WWU) Münster, one of the largest public universities in Germany. The agreement was signed on behalf of the Ionian University by the Dean, Professor Andreas Floros, and on behalf of the University of Münster by the Dean, Professor Johannes Wessels.
The scientific coordinators of the interuniversity agreement, focusing on the development and deepening of relations between the two institutions for educational and research activities, were appointed as Professor Hans Beck, Professor of Ancient History, and Associate Professor Stavros Vlizos, in Museology-Archaeology.
The goals of the collaboration include organising joint study programmes at undergraduate and/or postgraduate levels, implementing joint research programmes, organising conferences, seminars, and lectures on corresponding research topics. Additionally, there will be an exchange of information on educational programmes, publications, theses, books, and journals, as well as the organisation of joint scientific and cultural events (lectures, course presentations, etc.).
In this context, the two universities are already collaborating on a joint research programme entitled "Archaeological-Geophysical Survey at the Sanctuary of Apollo Amyklaios in Sparta," funded by the State Scholarships Foundation, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and the two institutions.
This particular agreement is part of the strategy to dynamically approach the goals of the Ionian University, aiming to highlight its international character and its outward orientation, as well as the requirements for distinction, research, and innovation.