Ionian Islands Region΄s digital transition begins from transport services

CORFU. Through digitisation, the service time for services provided by physical presence will be reduced to 1/3 of the time required today.
The presentation of an innovative pilot project entitled "The Ionian Islands Region in the digital era - at the service of citizens", which will lead the Ionian Islands Region into the digital era and is funded by the Ionian Islands ESPA programme, amounting to €1,600,000, was successfully held in Zakynthos, with the participation of the Ionian Islands Regional Governor Rodi Kratsa.
The presentation of the project, which is being implemented in cooperation with the Ionian Islands Region, OTE and the companies INITIA AE and SRC AE, was made by INITIA Vice President Alexis Aitken and INITIA ICT Consultant Afentoulis Gardianos.
The project will start with the archive and transport services in Corfu and the other Regional Units, while soon the activation of more than 180 services for citizens will follow where the major problems of case processing are identified.
The Regional Governor Rodi Kratsa stressed the importance of starting the digital transition of the Region and the continuation it must have to be completed in all of the services to truly provide service, simplification and transparency for both employees and citizens, natural and legal persons and added the following: "Our overall plan is a €12,000,000 project. We hope it can be implemented. We have made a serious effort to bring the Ionian Islands Region into the digital age. It was our goal to implement an opening to society with digital communication and better operation of services. We are laying the foundation for the digitisation of records, the digital provision of services to serve citizens and the promotion of each area. We are changing the facts, we are making the digital future of the Region true".
Through digitisation, the service time for services provided by physical presence will be reduced to 1/3 of the time required today, confidentiality will be maintained, personal data will be protected, satisfaction levels will increase, internal bureaucracy and internal production costs and time for citizens will be reduced. It will be possible to provide a large number of digital services that will make it easier for citizens and professionals to perform various procedures online without visiting the offices of the Region's services.
Finally, Rodi Kratsa talked about the project to be funded by the 'Antonis Tritsis' programme for the implementation of a Digital Agri-Food Map in cooperation with the Ionian Islands Agri-Food Partnership, which will be announced soon.