Πέμπτη 13.02.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Special traffic measures in Corfu Town from 24 July to 27 August

traffic measures
21 Ιουλίου 2023 / 20:52

CORFU. The special pilot traffic measures will be in force from 19:00 to 00:00. 250 free parking spaces at the port.

There will be special traffic measures from Monday 24 July to 27 August, 19:00 to 00:00. Cars will be prohibited from entering the historic town centre. Only taxis, buses (including tourist coaches), motorcycles, emergency vehicles, cars of permanent residents and people with special needs.

The pilot measures were announced on Friday morning at a press conference held at Marasleio Town Hall by the Central Corfu Mayor Meropi Ydraiou and the Traffic Police Chief Spyros Vlachopoulos. A meeting was previously held with all the relevant bodies and the Permanent Residents Associations in order to approve their implementation.

Vehicles will not be allowed to enter the historic town centre at peak times, while those that wish to do so will be directed to an organised parking area.

From 19:00 traffic will gradually be stopped from the historic town centre towards Alexandras Ave.

As Mr. Vlachopoulos said, traffic will be diverted at Douglas Column and San Rocco Sq. These traffic measures will not apply to taxis, buses, motorcycles, emergency vehicles, police cars, cars of people with special needs and permanent residents, who can be provided with a special card and stickers by the Municipality.

According to Ms. Υdraiou, 580 cards have been issued so far, while the Municipal Daily Life Office at Kaloheretou will be open tomorrow from 09:00 to 14:00 to serve the permanent residents.

Access from the Douglas Column towards Spianada and from El. Venizelou towards Spilia will be allowed.


Traffic arrangements

According to Mr. Vlachopoulos, traffic will be diverted at the following points:

- El. Venizelou and Lohagou Vlaikou St. Traffic will be diverted towards Lohagou Vlaikou St.

- Stamatiou Desylla and Georgiou Theotoki (pedestrian area). Traffic heading from Lohagou Vlaikou St. to Stamatiou Desylla will be diverted at G. Theotoki (San Rocco Sq.).

- Alexandras Ave and G. Theotoki (Boba). Vehicles will not be allowed to go to G. Theotoki from San Rocco Sq.

- Alexandras Ave and Riz. Voulefton (Post Office). Vehicles will not be allowed to go to Riz. Voulefton from Alexandras Ave.

- Dimokratias Ave and Alexandras Ave. Vehicles will be diverted at Alexandras Ave.

- Vraila Armeni and Dinou Theotoki (museum). Vehicles will be diverted at Dinou Theotoki.


250 free parking spaces at New Port

To facilitate visitors, the port will operate as a temporary parking area from 20:00 to 02:00 (entrance and exit at the roundabout). So far, there are 250 free parking spaces available. There will also be parking spaces available at the Corfu National Sports Centre.

There will be signs directing drivers to the parking area. However, there will not be free bus transfers from the port, as when asked by Enimerosi, both Ms. Ydraiou and Mr. Vlachopoulos answered that it is a short distance (8-10 minutes).

For those coming from the south there will not be free parking areas due to lack of space available near the town. However, as Mr. Vlachopoulos explained, it is something that is being looked into.