
Environment Directorate inspection at Temploni landfill
CORFU. Representatives of local residents were not allowed to be present.

Lefkimmi waste bales to go to Palairos
CORFU. Expenses to be covered by Ionian Islands Regional Administration.

Temploni under Demokritos ΄microscope΄ for 36 months
CORFU. A complete survey of the environmental situation in Temploni and the surrounding area.

Temploni residents request fire inspection at landfill
CORFU. Temploni Cultural Society has requested the Fire Department to carry out an inspection for precautionary reasons.

Long way to go before waste bales are removed
CORFU. The situation in Temploni and Mesorachia, Lefkimmi is disheartening.

"We΄ll stop this crime," says Corfu Waste Watch
CORFU. Protestors at Temploni landfill are marching to Bretanou Lake, which they say has a large quantity of residues from the facility.

South Corfu Mayor happy with decision to remove waste bales
CORFU. Mayor Kostas Lessis said: "We won΄t relax until the landfill area is assigned to South Corfu Municipality."

Meropi Ydraiou and Rodi Kratsa discuss Solid Waste Management Organisation (FODSA)
CORFU. With a limited number of people and in what was described as a positive atmosphere, exploratory discussions began on Thursday morning between the Regional Authority and SYDISA.

Toxic heavy metals found in Temploni olives - Unfit for consumption
CORFU. Temploni Association has announced that chenical analyses have found pollution in olives from farms next to the landfill.

Temploni requests Environmental Department inspection of stream neighbouring landfill
CORFU. Temploni Association has sent a request for an inspection of the stream next to the landfill to be conducted.

Questions from Corfu Waste Watch about transportation, new landfill, waste bales and costs
CORFU. "What΄s happening with the study for the new landfill? What΄s going to happen with the waste bales? Why are we transporting 2,500 tons instead of 4,000 and at a greater cost?"

Temploni landfill: More toxic landfill leachate in lake following rain
CORFU. Temploni Cultural Society has published new audiovisual material following the heavy rainfall in October.

Waste Watch Corfu accuses Regional Administration of "discriminating against Corfu"
CORFU. Waste Watch Corfu has hit out at the Regional Administration for not requesting environmental pollution measurements following the fire at Temploni landfill as they had done for Cephalonia.

Central Corfu Cleansing Service: "Don΄t put rubbish in bins for 48 hours"
CORFU. Temploni landfill remains closed following the fire on Friday 31st.

Today΄s fire in Temploni again broke out when the shift was changing
CORFU. The so-called 4th cell is burning from one end to the other at Temploni landfill. This area contains all the collected waste waiting to be baled.

Yanis Varoufakis visits Temploni landfill
CORFU. The MeRA25 leader΄s programme in Corfu began with a visit to Temploni this morning.

New judicial documents for Temploni landfill - Temploni Association meets with Prosecutors
CORFU. Board members of Temploni Cultural Society met with Corfu Prosecutors on Wednesday.