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Toxic heavy metals found in Temploni olives - Unfit for consumption

14 Dec 2020 / 10:44

CORFU. Temploni Association has announced that chenical analyses have found pollution in olives from farms next to the landfill.

According to the announcement, the owner of a farm in Temploni had chemical analyses done on 9 November for the existence of heavy metals in his olives.

"He showed us the results which he received on 17 November. These showed the existence of concentrations of total chromium, copper and cadmium which make his olives UNSUITABLE FOR CONSUMPTION.

Following this, on 30 November we sent three samples from our members - one sample of olives and two samples of olive oil from different locations in Temploni and the wider region (Kyra Chrysikou).

We received the results on 11 December!

Regrettably, we have to tell you that these three samples showed concentrations of lead, total chromium and copper which make the olives and olive oil UNSUITABLE FOR CONSUMPTION.

We would like to ask whoever arranges to have analyses done to ask for the following to be analysed - lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, copper and total chromium - and let us have a copy, whatever the results, so that we can evaluate the results and use them.

We, as an association, consider it our duty and obligation to make public such a serious issue regarding public health and are publishing the results of these four analyses which prove that the food chain has been contaminated, with all that entails, and will put in motion the necessary legal procedures and as regards the local authority."

Letter from Temploni Association to the President of the Municipal Council Dimitris Metallinos, the Mayor Meropi Ydraiou, leaders of the political parties and all members of the Municipal Council.

"We are sending you the results of these four analyses which prove that the food chain has been contaminated, with all that entails for public health and DEMAND that the following be carried out IMMEDIATELY:

Extensive inspections by appropriate public bodies, university etc. of the underground and surface water table as well as the atmosphere.

We would like to remind you that, despite our request, which was unanimously approved at the 17th meeting of the Municipal Council, six months later still nothing has been done.

President - Magda Papanikolopoulou
Secretary - Katerina Kakarouga"

The letter was copied to the following:

1. European Environmental Committee
2. Ionian Islands Regional Administration - Governor Rodi Kratsa, Deputy Governor for Environment Spyridon Ioannou, Environmental Inspection team
3. Corfu Prosecutor of the First Instance, Corfu Apellate Prosecutor, Supreme Court Prosecutor
4. Corfu MPs Stefanos Gikas, Alexandros Avlonitis, Dimitris Biangis
5. Ministry of Environment & Energy inspectors
6. North Corfu Mayor Giorgos Mahimaris, South Corfu Mayor Kostas Lessis and Paxos Mayor Spyridon Vlachopoulos
7. Corfu Medical Association
8. Corfu Lawyers' Association
9. Corfu Technical Chamber
10. Corfu Environmental organisations and groups