Sunday 07.07.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

North Corfu Municipality

13 Oct 2023 / 18:43
North Corfu Municipality gives basic necessities collected for flood victims to Corfu Red Cross

CORFU. The North Corfu Municipal Authority would like to thank the citizens for their generous contribution.

18 Aug 2023 / 14:18
Infrastructure works continue in North Corfu Municipality

CORFU. The Mayor Giorgos Mahimaris gave an update on the progress of the works on road, sports and school infrastructure.

17 Aug 2023 / 19:30
North Corfu Municipality makes donation to Smile of the Child

CORFU. The items had been collected from offers of businesses, municipal and other bodies, as well as residents from all over the island during the recent fire.

02 Jun 2023 / 12:11
North Corfu Municipality at Attica Green Expo

CORFU. The Municipality presented its environmental activities for the circular economy, waste management and recycling.

07 Jan 2023 / 12:36
300kg clothing for prison inmates from North Corfu Municipality

CORFU. The clothing was handed over by the Deputy Mayor for Circular Economy, Environment, Social Policy and Public Relations Spyridoula Kokkali and Civil Protection Supervisor Giorgos Mavropoulos.

29 Aug 2022 / 22:26
North Corfu Mayor and ΄Typhoon΄ collect 8 tons of waste from Corfu coastline

CORFU. ΄Typhoon΄, a modern 72-meter vessel, transported the waste from inaccessible coasts to the Kassiopi harbour.

06 Jul 2022 / 19:08
North Corfu road maintenance and repair work progressing

CORFU. The North Corfu Mayor Giorgos Mahimaris said that 2022 is a very important year, as the Municipality’s road network is being improved.

20 Jun 2022 / 22:00
Outraged Enimerosi reader to file a lawsuit against DEYAK

A foreign house owner in North Corfu warns of legal action because of water supply problems.

19 May 2022 / 21:45
Contract signed for roadworks in Mega Ydri in Sidari

CORFU. The signing of this contract is important for the North Corfu Municipality, as it concerns the upgrading, maintenance and repair of the main Mega Ydri road in Sidari.

10 May 2022 / 18:35
Events on road safety in North Corfu Junior High and High Schools

CORFU. North Corfu Municipality΄s events to raise awareness on road safety in order to avoid and reduce road accidents are starting from secondary schools.

29 Mar 2022 / 18:26
North Corfu Municipality in the ‘Neighbourhood Nannies’ programme

The platform will be available from today – The programme will initially be implemented in 32 Greek Municipalities.

21 Dec 2021 / 17:47
Christmas packages for 242 families from the North Corfu Municipality

CORFU. The ‘Christmas love packages’ include long-life food and meat and are distributed with respect and dignity.

10 Dec 2021 / 19:47
North Corfu Municipality donates bed linen and clothing to Corfu Prison

CORFU. 40 bed linen and 10 boxes of clothing and footwear, which had been collected at the Municipality’s Green Spots.

01 Dec 2021 / 21:20
North Corfu Mayor: Projects to solve North Corfu’s water supply problem

CORFU. Decisions that will contribute to solve the long-standing problems of water shortage, water supply cuts and the protection of public health and the environment.

20 Aug 2021 / 15:13
3 new vehicles for North Corfu Civil Protection Service

CORFU. The vehicles will be used on a 24-hour basis for the needs of the Civil Protection Service.

16 Aug 2021 / 10:24
Food collection by North Corfu Municipality & Red Cross for fire victims continues

CORFU. Until August 20 at Acharavi Town Hall.

18 Mar 2021 / 12:21
Cooperation between Ionian University and North Corfu Municipality for the environment

CORFU. The memorandum of cooperation will focus on voluntary recycling tourism, the circular economy, raising public awareness and promoting the history of the area using modern digital means.

04 Jun 2020 / 11:53
Pagi community continues to recycle - but has a complaint

CORFU. Along with other communities, residents and volunteers in Pagi, Northwest Corfu have been recycling and sorting at source - but they have expressed a complaint about lack of proper arrangements from the local authority.