Friday 20.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Meropi Ydraiou

04 Jan 2020 / 10:16
Meropi Ydraiou: There are some who want Corfu to live through the nightmare with the rubbish again

CORFU. "Some people are obviously not happy because the removal of the waste has come through my persistance and efforts," said Meropi Ydraiou.

02 Jan 2020 / 14:57
Meropi Ydraiou: "2020 will be a landmark year for Corfu"

CORFU. The Central Corfu & Diapontia Islands Mayor Meropi posted a New Year΄s message on Facebook.

31 Dec 2019 / 14:37
Meropi Ydraiou considers that "Locals won΄t pay anything extra for the waste transportation"

CORFU. At yesterday΄s emergency meeting of the Central Corfu & Diapontia Islands Municipal Council Mayor Meropi Ydraiou said that she considered that locals won΄t have to pay extra for the transportation of waste to Kozani.

17 Dec 2019 / 07:23
Lefkimmi Cultural Society accuses Meropi Ydraiou of prohibiting the Regional Environmental Director from entering Lefkimmi landfill

CORFU. Lefkimmi Cultural Society has lodged a complaint against the Central Corfu & Diapontia Islands Mayor for her intervention.

02 Dec 2019 / 13:44
School maintenance: Contract signed for 362,000 Euros

CORFU. Central Corfu & Diapontia Islands Mayor Meropi Ydraiou signed a contract today for the repair and maintenance of school buildings.

26 Nov 2019 / 09:21
Meropi Ydraiou elected President of Corfu Solid Waste Management Organisation - Sarlis Vice-President

CORFU. With 6 votes against 5 for South Corfu Mayor Kostas Lessis Meropi Ydraiou was elected President of Corfu Solid Waste Management Organisation (FODSA).

05 Nov 2019 / 09:14
Meropi Ydraiou in special ΄MONEY & tourism΄ edition for World Travel Market

LONDON. The special edition of ΄MONEY & tourism΄ for the World Travel Market includes comments from Meropi Ydraiou, Mayor of Central Corfu and Diapontia Islands.

30 Oct 2019 / 08:58
Quality standards to be maintained when management of Art Cafe passes to Municipality

CORFU. Corfiot & Diapontian Mayor Meropi Ydraiou gave a press conference to discuss the main points from her meeting with Culture Minister Lina Mendoni.

26 Oct 2019 / 06:43
Cultural ΄restart΄ for Corfu!

CORFU. High hopes following the Culture Minister΄s visit to the island. Mayor Meropi Ydraiou couldn΄t hide her pleasure at the ΄gifts΄ the Minister brought with her.

13 Oct 2019 / 11:23
Warm reception for ΄Brooke΄ from Meropi Ydraiou at the Old Town Hall

CORFU. Following her traditional welcome at Liston, Katherine Kelly Lang went to San Giacomo Old Town Hall.

11 Sep 2019 / 08:49
Back to school today. Best wishes from Meropi Ydraiou

CORFU. Back to school today in Corfu and the whole of Greece with the traditional priest΄s blessings.

09 Sep 2019 / 07:01
First episode of TV series "8 Words" screened in Old Town Hall Square - enthusiastic response from audience!

CORFU. The series began with shots of Corfu and the ΄Capodistrias΄ Philharmonic Band - greeted enthusiastically by the large turnout in Old Town Hall Square.

26 Aug 2019 / 08:31
Large turnout at swearing-in of new Central Corfu & Diapontia Islands Town Council

CORFU. A large turnout and high aspirations at the swearing-in of the new Mayor and Council for Central Corfu and the Diapontia Islands.

26 Jul 2019 / 08:06
New Mayor Meropi Ydraiou gets update on Education

CORFU. The new Mayor for Central Corfu and the Diapontia Islands Meropi Ydraiou is getting updated on all matters before she officially takes over on 1 September.

17 Jul 2019 / 08:37
Meropi Ydraiou meets with new Tourism Minister and Deputy Minister

ATHENS. Working meeting with the new Mayor of Central Corfu Meropi Ydraiou.

27 Jun 2019 / 09:29
Signatures expected on Friday for the go-ahead for the Waste Management Facility

CORFU. Meropi Ydraiou is expecting the inclusion of the Corfu Integrated Solid Waste Management Unit in the funding programme of the Ministry for the Environment to be signed by Friday 28 June.

12 Jun 2019 / 14:51
Meropi Ydraiou to meet with new Mayors for North and South Corfu

CORFU. The new Mayor of Central Corfu has invited the Mayors of the new municipalities of North and South Corfu to a meeting on Friday morning.

11 Jun 2019 / 09:37
Incoming Mayor Meropi Ydraiou invites party leaders to meeting on Thursday

CORFU. The new Mayor for Central Corfu and the Diapontia Islands Meropi Ydraiou has invited the leaders of all the parties to a meeting on Thursday 13 June.