St. Spyridon procession in Corfu Town today

CORFU. In remembrance of the miracle of 1673, when the Saint saved the island from the plague.
A large crowd once again attended the solemn procession with the holy relics of Corfu's Patron Saint and Protector, Saint Spyridon, on Sunday, November 3rd, in remembrance of the miracle of 1673, when the Saint saved the island from the plague. Among those present at the procession were the island’s MPs and local government officials.
The religious celebrations for the First Sunday began on Saturday evening, November 2nd, with Vespers, led by Archbishop Nektarios, of Corfu, Paxos and the Diapontia Islands.
The celebrations continued today, Sunday, November 3rd, with the Matins service and the procession with the holy relics, and will proceed with Vespers at the Sacred Shrine at 6:00 pm. After the service, Archbishop Nektarios will begin the series of evening sermons.