Παρασκευή 14.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Tourism data for Greece for first seven months of 2024

Όλα πάνω τα στοιχεία του πρώτου 7μήνου όσο αφορά στο τουριστικό ρεύμα, σύμφωνα με την καταγραφή και την αξιολόγηση του Ινστιτούτου του Συνδέσμου των Ελληνικών Τουριστικών Επιχειρήσεων. (ΙΝΣΕΤΕ)
30 Αυγούστου 2024 / 11:35

Tourism data provided by INSETE (Greek Tourism Confederation Institute).

International Air Arrivals

During the period from January to July 2024, 14.4 million international air arrivals were recorded, surpassing the levels of January to July 2023 (13.3 million), showing an increase of +8.2% or +1.1 million arrivals.

In July 2024, international air arrivals reached 4.6 million, marking an increase of 5.3%/235,000 compared to July 2023.

Most geographical regions saw an increase during the period from January to July 2024, with the exception of the Cyclades. In the region of Crete, international air arrivals totaled 2.9 million, recording an increase of 182,000/6.7%. The Dodecanese airports saw 2.4 million international air arrivals, an increase of 246,000/11.4%. The Ionian Islands recorded an increase of 104,000/5.3%, with a total of 2.1 million international air arrivals. In the Peloponnese, arrivals reached 122,000, marking an increase of 13,000/12%.

On the other hand, the Cyclades recorded 689,000 international air arrivals, showing a decrease of 17,000/2.4%.

Road Arrivals

During the period from January to July 2024, 6.3 million international road arrivals were recorded, compared to 5.5 million during the same period in 2023, showing an increase of 13.8%/762,000 road arrivals.

In July, 2.3 million road arrivals were recorded, marking an increase of 277,000/13.9%.

During the period from January to July 2024, road arrivals from Albania decreased by 16,000 (-1.7%), totaling 904,000. On the other hand, arrivals from Bulgaria increased by 383,000 (+16.4%), reaching a total of 2.7 million arrivals. Similarly, arrivals from Turkey increased by 206,000 (+38.4%), with total road arrivals amounting to 742,000. Finally, arrivals from North Macedonia increased by 189,000 (+11.0%), reaching a total of 1.9 million.



Travel Receipts

During the period from January to June 2024, travel receipts recorded an increase of 12.2% compared to the same period in 2023, reaching €6.921 billion.

This growth was due to the increase in receipts from residents of European Union countries by 14.8%, totaling €3.816 billion, as well as the increase in receipts from residents of other countries by 8.4%, amounting to €2.819 billion.

More specifically, receipts from residents of Eurozone countries amounted to €3.104 billion, up by 11.8%, while receipts from residents of European Union countries outside the Eurozone rose by 30.1%, reaching €711 million.

In particular, receipts from Germany increased by 7.4% to €1.223 billion, and those from France rose by 2.5% to €446 million.

Among other countries, receipts from the United Kingdom increased by 19.9%, reaching €1.009 billion, while receipts from the United States increased by 1.0% to €540 million.

Short-Term Rentals

During the period from January to June 2024, there was a clear trend of steady growth in the number of accommodations compared to 2023.

However, this trend slowed down in July, which may indicate a peak in demand.

In July 2024, the number of accommodations reached 232,000, marking an increase of 20,000 compared to July 2023.

A similar trend is observed in the analysis of the number of short-term rental beds between 2023 and 2024.

From January to June, the number of beds increased steadily, reaching levels in June that were 85,000 beds higher than those in 2023.

In July 2024, this growth slowed down, with the total number of available beds exceeding 1 million, showing an increase of 81,000 compared to July 2023.