Παρασκευή 07.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Natura Protection Association: Hunting in Halikouna absolutely forbidden!

06 Ιανουαρίου 2022 / 11:30

CORFU. The South Corfu Natura Protection Association has asked authorities to take action.

Following the incident at New Year involving an individual and people reported for hunting in the Halikouna area, other such incidents of hunting in protected areas have been denounced.

The South Corfu Natura Protection Association has declared that all hunting in the area is illegal and unacceptable. It is asking hunting clubs to protect Natura areas and for the responsible authorities to take legal action.

Association statement:

We have recently received complaints about hunters in the area of Lake Korission - a Natura area protected by European and national legislation.

We heard local media saying that hunting near the lake and in Halikouna at New Year is a "tradition" and a "custom" and that "official" hunters - members of the hunting club - came together there to cut their New Year's Cake! We also heard that those who were in boats on the lake were not members of the hunting club.

Whatever the case may be, the crux of the matter is indisputable - hunting in the Lake Korission and Halikouna area is ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN and ILLEGAL and can be prosecuted!

There is no excuse for any hunters - members or non-members - to be in the area.

The term "traditional custom" invoked by some in order to justify their illegal practices is completely unacceptable!!

The South Corfu Natura Protection Association condemns all hunting in the area and in all Natura areas as illegal and unacceptable and we call on local residents and friends to help protect the area by immediately informing the responsible authorities and our Association when they see or hear about anyone hunting birds that live in or visit the area.

We also call on all responsible authorities - police, municipality, forestry commission, game wardens, prosecutor - to take the necessary legal actions to protect the wider region from hunters and others.

Finally, we call on all the hunting clubs in Corfu and South Corfu to protect the local ecosystem and inform their members of the legislation and to cooperate with the responsible authorities and our Association in order to protect not only nature, but also the integrity of the clubs themselves.

The South Corfu Natura Protection Association declares that it will take legal action if there are any such unacceptable incidents in the future which endanger the wildlife and natural ecosystem around Lake Korission and Halikouna.