
Confessed perpetrator of murder remanded in custody
CORFU. With the agreement of Prosecutor and Investigating Judge.

Woman, 49, who killed her husband appears before investigator
CORFU. A case has been filed against the confessed husband-killer for homicide, violations of weapons laws and domestic violence.

Woman charged with murder
CORFU. A case file is being prepared against the woman for the murder of her husband, and she will shortly (11:30a.m.) she will be taken to appear before the Prosecutor.

Criminal organisation responsible for two murders in Halikouna in 2020 broken up
ATHENS. The organisation was also responsible for the execution of two 44-year-old men from Slovenia and one from Montenegro who were dining at a taverna in Athens.

Man who killed other patient being taken to Korydallos Prison Psychiatric Unit
CORFU. The 45-year-old is being transferred today.

Son alleged to have strangled 93-year-old mother
CORFU. He was ordered to be re-hospitalised by the investigating magistrate until the case comes to trial.

Identity of murderer of 93-year-old woman still not known
CORFU. Evidence is being carefully collected from the flat where the woman was found dead by firefighters, who were first on the scene.

Former Zakynthos Deputy Police Chief remanded in custody for murder of woman last year
ZAKYNTHOS. Information that can΄t be cross-checked says that serious evidence has come to light from his phone conversations.

Shotgun used in yesterday΄s killings unregistered
CORFU. The shotgun used in the double murder and suicide in Dassia had been obtained illegally.

Historic verdict: Golden Dawn a criminal organisation - Roupakias guilty of Fissas murder
ATHENS. All 18 Golden Dawn political members found guilty and 7 of them for running a criminal organisation. Roupakias guilty of the murder of Fissas along with 15 of the 17 accused.

Life sentence for murderer of 28-year-old Angelina
IGOUMENITSA. The 52-year-old was sentenced yesterday for the murder of his daughter which shocked the whole country in January 2019.

Violent family incident in Lefkimmi with knife attack
CORFU. A 46-year-old man was taken to Corfu Hospital seriously injured.

32-year-old turns himself in to police in connection with the violent incident in Dassia
CORFU. The 32-year-old Albanian voluntarily turned himself in to the police on Thursday night.

Attempted murder in Dassia
CORFU. Police are looking for a 32-year-old Albanian.

Life sentence for man who killed his wife in Alevropari in March 2018
IGOUMENITSA. The 63-year-old former policeman was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Igoumenitsa court.

Corfu murderer΄s transfer request granted
ATHENS. The Central Transfer Committee at the Ministry of Justice granted the request of the 52-year-old self-confessed killer to be transferred to Grevena Prison.

Murderer΄s lawyer: "First came the attack from the inmates and then the self-inflicted injuries"
ATHENS. The lawyer for the self-confessed Corfu murderer insists that his client was beaten by a group of prison inmates.

Ministry of Justice denies that 52-year-old man who killed his daughter was attacked by other inmates.
ATHENS. "The injuries were self-inflicted as he is suffering from suicidal ideation."