
Applications for fire damage compensation from 1 to 14 August
CORFU. A team of the Hellenic Agricultural Insurance Organisation (ELGA) branch in Ioannina visited the affected areas in North Corfu Municipality (Loutses, Peritheia, Lafki, Sinies, Kassiopi, Nissaki).

Remaining ΄Ballos΄ business compensation payments by next week
CORFU. The Ministerial Decision regarding the remaining compensation payments for businesses that suffered from the ΄Ballos΄ storm has been published.

First 60 advance payments of flood damage compensation paid to businesses
CORFU. “I believe that the remaining 50 will be paid by July,” the Deputy Regional Governor Kostas Zorbas told Enimerosi.

Deputy Minister of Interior promises immediate payment of flood damage compensation to businesses
CORFU. “In the next few weeks, the files for the advance payment will be approved as a first form of relief to the businesses.”

Repair of damage to infrastructure in South Corfu progressing slowly
CORFU. Flood victims still have not received compensation for household goods and simple repair work.

Compensation for storm damage paid to households
CORFU. The Central Corfu Municipality paid the compensation to 163 flood victims – The total amount is €350,006.

Applications from businesses to be sent to Ministry of Finance for flood damage compensation
CORFU. The Ionian Islands Region is still waiting to receive the €15.5 million to repair the damage to infrastructure.

180 applications from businesses to Regional Authority for flood damage compensation
CORFU. 70 applications have been examined – At first, they will receive 20% of the amount of the damage suffered.

15 November deadline for flood damage compensation applications
CORFU. Application requirements.

100 applications from businesses to Regional Authority for compensation
CORFU. An increasing number of businesses that were hit by the ΄Ballos" storm are applying to the Corfu Regional Office for compensation.

Corfu MP Fotini Vaki: Immediate action to compensate victims of recent storms
CORFU. The Corfu SYRIZA MP, Fotini Vaki, has been in continuous contact with the local authorities and the Ministry of the Interior in an effort to speed up the process of documenting the damage caused by the storms in south Corfu and arranging for compensation.

Storm damage: Claims for compensation have to be submitted within 2 months
CORFU. The Regional Governor for the Ionian Islands, Theodoros Galiatsatos, met with Nikoletta Pandi, Deputy Governor for Corfu and civil protection coordinator on Monday, to coordinate the optimum response from the Regional administration in the aftermath of this weekend’s thunderstorms.

Compensation available for Corfu storm damage. Regional Administrator & Deputy Administrator visit Lefkimmi
The 1st Lefkimmi Primary School will remain closed today so that damage from the storm can be repaired.