Sunday 06.10.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ


22 Jan 2019 / 09:27
More inspection visits to Temploni landfill!

CORFU. Another inspection visit by a team from the Regional Environmental Administration is expected at Temploni landfill.

18 Jan 2019 / 09:11
Invitation for tenders for the restoration of the three cells at Temploni landfill

CORFU. The President of SYDISA (Solid Waste Management Association)has issued an invitation for tenders for the restoration of 3 cells at Temploni landfill.

01 Jan 2019 / 14:38
DNA identification of woman who died in Temploni fire today

CORFU. The tragic victim of the fire which broke out in a house in Temploni on New Year΄s Day was a 67-year-old woman who lived on her own.

01 Jan 2019 / 13:37
Woman dies in fire in Temploni!

CORFU. The 67-year-old woman died in her house which was completely destroyed by fire that had broken out just after 12 noon on New Year΄s Day.

08 Dec 2018 / 10:32
Municipality urges people to sort at source

CORFU. The Municipal Cleansing Services issued a public announcement in which it says it aims to reduce the amount of waste going to Temploni and increase recycling.

28 Nov 2018 / 00:00
Public meeting in Temploni: Update on the landfill and the Green Spot

CORFU. Temploni Cultural Society is holding a public meeting on Wednesday 28 November at 17:30 at Temploni Nursery School.

27 Nov 2018 / 11:30
An idea from Denmark that could be used for Temploni landfill - we΄ve certainly got the mountains for it!

CORFU. An article in Corriere della Sera about the ΄designer΄ waste incinerator in Copenhagen has been doing the rounds on the internet.

27 Nov 2018 / 10:11
Statement of clarification from Corfu Compost Project

CORFU. Regarding Temploni Cultural Society΄s announcement and invitation last week for groups and organizations to attend a meeting on Sunday 25 November, Corfu Compost Project has issued the following statement:

23 Nov 2018 / 08:29
Solid Waste Management Association (SYDISA) filing lawsuits for 2.8m debts from old municipalities

CORFU. What Aspiotis said about the money owed to SYDISA by the old municipalities. New request today for the land owned by the charitable organization.

22 Nov 2018 / 12:56
Time is limited but the Corfu Integrated Waste Management Facility is eligible for funding

CORFU. There were reassurances from sources reporting to the local authority regarding funding for the construction of an Integrated Waste Management Facility in Temploni as announced on Monday.

21 Nov 2018 / 07:40
Integrated Waste Management Facility will cost 33m Euros

CORFU. On the ΄Akrokefalos΄ plot of land in Temploni which is 115.51 stremma (11.551 hectares) - where the Central Corfu landfill and Recyclable Materials Sorting Centre (KDAY) are located.

25 Nov 2018 / 00:00
Invitation to an open discussion about recycling and circular economy

CORFU. Temploni and Lefkimmi Cultural Societies, the Alternative Workshop and Corfu Compost Project are organizing a meeting on Sunday 25 November.

19 Nov 2018 / 10:32
Solid Waste Management Association gives update on what has been done

CORFU. SYDISA has issued a report of what is happening at Temploni and Lefkimmi landfills along with photos ΄before΄ and ΄after΄.

03 Nov 2018 / 00:00
Waste management meeting in Temploni on Saturday

CORFU. Temploni Cultural Centre is organizing a meeting at the Labour Centre in Temploni.

31 Oct 2018 / 07:03
Work at Lefkimmi landfill will be completed without asphalting

CORFU. Kostas Nikolouzos gave an update on what is being done....and not being done in Lefkimmi and Temploni.

27 Oct 2018 / 15:03
Recycling in Temploni every Monday and Friday (4-6pm)

CORFU. Change to the programme at the Temploni Recycling Centre.

25 Oct 2018 / 12:58
Temploni Cultural Society files new lawsuit against Corfu Municipality

CORFU. The lawsuit cites continuing damage to the environment.

16 Oct 2018 / 00:00
Recycling begins in Temploni on Tuesday

CORFU. The temporary location is outside the nursery school.