Wednesday 12.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Integrated Waste Management Facility will cost 33m Euros

waste management
21 Nov 2018 / 06:52

CORFU. On the ΄Akrokefalos΄ plot of land in Temploni which is 115.51 stremma (11.551 hectares) - where the Central Corfu landfill and Recyclable Materials Sorting Centre (KDAY) are located.

The Corfu Mayor Kostas Nikolouzos and the President of the Solid Waste Management Association (SYDISA) Spyros Aspiotis presented the updated study for the Integrated Waste Management Facility (OEDA) on Monday.

Statement from Corfu Municipality

The presentation was made by Damianos Bourkas, representative of the consortium involving Epta AE, Concept AE and Synthesi & Erevna AE. Also present were the Deputy Mayor for Finance Giorgos Pantelios, SYDISA Vice-President Nikos Korakianitis and others. The update included amendments to the technical study and the invitation for tenders for the Central Corfu OEDA.

The study

The object of the study was to make amendments to the study 'Study for a Biodegradable Urban Waste Unit' which concerns:

- Amendments to the technical study in order to readjust the dimensions of the facility regarding capacity and technology and cover the reduced needs for processing mixed waste and the pre-sorted organic waste which will be collected separately according to the Ionian Islands Plan (PESDA).

- Amendments to the invitation for tenders to take into account the changes to the technical study and the legal framework for public contracts.

Consequently, the following studies were drawn up:

Technical Preparatory Study

The Technical Preparatory Study includes the following:

- Hydraulics study
- Electromechanical study
- Chemical engineering study
- Architectural study
- Structural study

Invitation for Tenders

Regarding the editing of the invitation for tenders for the construction of the facility.

The construction of the facility will take 18 months from the signing of the contract. The budget for the project - construction and operation - is 32,750,000 Euros (including VAT). The facility will be constructed on the ΄Akrokefalos΄ plot of land in Temploni which is 115.51 stremma (11.551 hectares) - where the Central Corfu landfill and Recyclable Materials Sorting Centre (KDAY) are located.

Once the study which was presented on Monday is updated the next step is for theinvitation for tenders to be officially issued by the Ministry of Economy and Development.