Wednesday 12.02.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Cars vandalised in Marasli St.

21 Dec 2024 / 09:15

CORFU. Approximately 30 vehicles were scratched, according to the complainant.

Residents on Grigoriou Marasli Street experienced a very unpleasant incident on Wednesday, December 18th.

When they left their homes in the morning to go to their cars, they discovered that many of them had been scratched by unknown individuals, causing significant damage. The vehicles had been scratched on the right side, the side that was facing the pavement.

The incident was reported to Enimerosi by a local resident, whose vehicle had also been damaged.

She told us that a complaint has already been filed with the police, and more are expected to follow. She also mentioned that neighbours, whose cars were also scratched, estimate that damage was caused to approximately 30 parked vehicles.

Enimerosi also contacted the police, who confirmed that complaints have been filed and that they are investigating the incident.


Photos: Enimerosi