Over €2.20 per litre for unleaded petrol in Corfu

10 Mar 2022
/ 12:26
CORFU. Shock at today΄s new price increases for liquid fuel.
The rampant increase in fuel prices continues today with consumers and petrol dealers in shock at the way things are going.
According to Corfu Petrol Dealers Association president Antonis Sakkos, the price of unleaded petrol has jumped to over €2.20 per litre today from €2.17 yesterday and the price of diesel has increased by €0.10 to €2.17 per litre.
According to the Liquid Fuel Price Watch committee at the Ministry of Development & Competitiveness, the highest price for unleaded petrol in Corfu is €2.25 per litre at a filling station in Acharavi!
Heating oil
The price of heating oil has now reached €1.70 per litre!
The daily increases in the liquid fuel prices over the last week are hitting household budgets and people are limiting themselves to the absolute necessities - both with regard to journeys and heating.
Mr. Sakkos told Enimerosi that more increases are expected tomorrow, taking prices to record levels.
According to Corfu Petrol Dealers Association president Antonis Sakkos, the price of unleaded petrol has jumped to over €2.20 per litre today from €2.17 yesterday and the price of diesel has increased by €0.10 to €2.17 per litre.
According to the Liquid Fuel Price Watch committee at the Ministry of Development & Competitiveness, the highest price for unleaded petrol in Corfu is €2.25 per litre at a filling station in Acharavi!
Heating oil
The price of heating oil has now reached €1.70 per litre!
The daily increases in the liquid fuel prices over the last week are hitting household budgets and people are limiting themselves to the absolute necessities - both with regard to journeys and heating.
Mr. Sakkos told Enimerosi that more increases are expected tomorrow, taking prices to record levels.