Archbishop Nektarios in court again

Archbishop Nektarios
11 Jan 2022
/ 14:16
CORFU. The Prosecutor΄s appeal against the not guilty verdict will be heard on Thursday.
On Thursday 13 January the three-member Magistrates' Court will hear the Prosecutor's appeal against the verdict of not guilty at the original trial of Nektarios, Archbishop of Corfu.
The Archbishop was accused of violating the pandemic restrictive measures and having an excessive number of attendees in St. Spyridon Church on Palm Sunday 2020. Municipal Council President Dimitris Metallinos and Municipal Events Supervisor Fotis Skourtis were co-defendants.
At the original trial the Prosecutor had asked for the Archbishop to be found guilty with mitigating circumstances but the court found him not guilty.
Following the verdict, the Prosecutor Dionysis Lambridis lodged an appeal for reasons of substance and legality, as he told Enimerosi.
The defence lawyers for the Archbishop were Yiannis Kontos and Spyros Christofilos - Messrs Metallinos and Skourtis had the Municipal lawyer Akis Desegrinis.
The Archbishop was accused of violating the pandemic restrictive measures and having an excessive number of attendees in St. Spyridon Church on Palm Sunday 2020. Municipal Council President Dimitris Metallinos and Municipal Events Supervisor Fotis Skourtis were co-defendants.
At the original trial the Prosecutor had asked for the Archbishop to be found guilty with mitigating circumstances but the court found him not guilty.
Following the verdict, the Prosecutor Dionysis Lambridis lodged an appeal for reasons of substance and legality, as he told Enimerosi.
The defence lawyers for the Archbishop were Yiannis Kontos and Spyros Christofilos - Messrs Metallinos and Skourtis had the Municipal lawyer Akis Desegrinis.