Sunday 08.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

North Corfu Municipality and the Green Spot network

06 Apr 2021 / 10:42

CORFU. Recycling efforts in centres set up and organised by ordinary members of the public were recognised, utilised and multiplied by the local authority and there are now 74 recycling points in North Corfu Municipality.

"The local authority in the newly-created North Corfu Municipality is leading the way and is being acknowledged for its actions related to waste management," says Deputy Mayor for Circular Economy, Environment and Public Relations Spyridoula Kokkali in a statement:

- North Corfu Municipality Green Spot network - Leaders in Greece
- North Corfu Municipality one of the first municipalities to have a local plan for Integrated Waste Management
- Green Spots included in 'Antonis Tritsis' Programme - According to a recent circular from the Ministry for the Environment, all Municipalities are obliged to draw up a local waste management plan by 30 April
- Recycling Centres and Local Waste Management Plans (TSDA) are the priorities in the National Waste Management Plan (ESDA)

The local authority in the newly-created North Corfu Municipality is leading the way and is being acknowledged for its actions related to waste management and the circular economy. It is leading the way locally, regionally and nationally with its strategy and organised implementation of the vision of Mayor Giorgos Mahimaris and his colleagues.

The Green Spots created by a network of volunteers throughout Corfu in 2017 (with the tragic situation in waste management) were the seed that was steadily cultivated and became part of municipal policy with scientific support and reinforcement from the North Corfu Municipal advisor Adamantios Skordilis with a PhD in Environmental Engineering from Berlin Polytechnic. Recycling efforts in centres set up and organised by ordinary members of the public were recognised, utilised and multiplied by the local authority and there are now 46 Green Spots and 26 recycling points in schools - a total of 74 - in North Corfu Municipality.

We are continuing to set up new recycling centres so that more members of the public can have easy access in their communities and neighbourhoods. Most of these centres, open to the public, have 4 streams (paper, glass, plastic and metal / aluminium) and we will soon have a 5th stream for organic waste in brown bins, as required by the European Directive:

Reduce - Reuse - Recycle

Recycling is not only everybody's obligation, but also everybody's right. The capability and effectiveness of recycling centres, not only in the proper separate collection of recyclable materials through sorting at source, but also in the vitally important change in public attitude was recognised by the Ministry of Interior and Green Spots have been included in the Development and Solidarity Programme for local authorities.

Recycling Centres are now part of national policy for waste management and have been included in the National Waste Management Plan (ESDA). Large municipalities are following in the footsteps of the North Corfu local authority and are creating Green Spots - the Attica Region, for example, announced in January 2021 that it will be setting up 1,000 recycling centres in its municipalities. Ioannina Municipality has recently done the same.

On 4 March, the Ministry of Environment and Energy stated that all Municipalities are obliged to draw up a local waste management plan (TSDA) by 30 April, on the condition that it is evaluated by the Regional Authority in order to get funding tools.

North Corfu Municipality was one of the first municipalities in Greece to submit its plan, which had already been drawn up, and it is being efficiently implemented in stages.

The foresight, a basic management principle, of the local authority along with its strategic progress has led to it being in the forefront in the sensitive matter of waste management and especially in the vital area of recycling.

At the same time, the will of North Corfu local authority and the effectiveness of its actions related to the circular economy has led to the collaboration of the Ionian University - on 17 March Dean Andreas Floros announced the decision to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation for environmental protection between North Corfu Municipality and the Ionian University.

The memorandum, which will be implemented exclusively in the North Corfu Municipality, will focus on recycling, the development of activities to help circular economy using the expertise of the University Department for the Environment, campaigns to raise public awareness regarding integrated waste management, tourism, promoting the history of North Corfu using modern digital means and recognition of voluntary activities.

Vision, implementation and realism are the basic ingredients for the successful development of an area and the local authority in North Corfu offers these at this difficult time for the benefit of its citizens. The setting of new goals and the cultivation of another attitude via schools, groups, communities and residents guarantee progress and advancement of a blessed land that will rise like the phoenix from the ashes. "The future is here for the North Corfu Municipality".