Attempted arson of North Corfu Municipality grader - what Mayor said

27 May 2020
/ 14:25
CORFU. There was serious sabotage of a North Corfu Municipality grader which was doing repair and improvement work on the Agios Georgios Pagon - Aspiotades road.
The sabotage was discovered by Municipal workers on 26 May when they went to start work.
North Corfu Mayor Giorgos Mahimaris issued the following statement:
"This was dangerous sabotage and the Prosector was immediately informed as well as investigation teams from the Fire Department and police.
Apart from the damage caused to the vehicle, which is Municipal property, and the delay to the work, this put workers in physical danger - something which was fortunately avoided.
I would also like to point out the following incidents:
1. The vandalism at the Perithis Green Spot when we all know that the promotion and development of recycling is a priority for the North Corfu Municipality along with an increase in the numbers of Green Spots.
2. The simultaneous outbreak of fires at three different spots in North Corfu on 29 April.
This latest sabotage, the third incident, obliges us - apart from feeling sadness, shame and frustration - to declare that events have gone beyond political opposition and have become criminal acts with elements of terrorism.
It is certain that this isn't just one person acting alone - there is a 'mastermind' instigator, and others who carry out the acts which are connected despite being separate and seemingly unconnected. And it is certain that the target is the WORK - PROGRESS and DEVELOPMENT of North Corfu.
We are sure that the Prosecutor and the relevant authorities that are looking into the matter will, first of all, ensure the safety of municipal personnel and do whatever is necessary to safeguard municipal property and the progress of work in North Corfu.
As for the guilty parties - they should bear in mind that every North Corfu resident deplores sabotage. Both the mind behind the act and those that carried it out are undermining the development of their own area and the lives of the residents."
North Corfu Mayor Giorgos Mahimaris issued the following statement:
"This was dangerous sabotage and the Prosector was immediately informed as well as investigation teams from the Fire Department and police.
Apart from the damage caused to the vehicle, which is Municipal property, and the delay to the work, this put workers in physical danger - something which was fortunately avoided.
I would also like to point out the following incidents:
1. The vandalism at the Perithis Green Spot when we all know that the promotion and development of recycling is a priority for the North Corfu Municipality along with an increase in the numbers of Green Spots.
2. The simultaneous outbreak of fires at three different spots in North Corfu on 29 April.
This latest sabotage, the third incident, obliges us - apart from feeling sadness, shame and frustration - to declare that events have gone beyond political opposition and have become criminal acts with elements of terrorism.
It is certain that this isn't just one person acting alone - there is a 'mastermind' instigator, and others who carry out the acts which are connected despite being separate and seemingly unconnected. And it is certain that the target is the WORK - PROGRESS and DEVELOPMENT of North Corfu.
We are sure that the Prosecutor and the relevant authorities that are looking into the matter will, first of all, ensure the safety of municipal personnel and do whatever is necessary to safeguard municipal property and the progress of work in North Corfu.
As for the guilty parties - they should bear in mind that every North Corfu resident deplores sabotage. Both the mind behind the act and those that carried it out are undermining the development of their own area and the lives of the residents."