Firefighters called out to three fires in short period of time

CORFU. In the Tsaros area, near Simonetti’s lumberyard and opposite Skiadopoulos Paints.
The Fire Department was called out for three fires. The first occurred on the Wednesday, November 6th, when a fire ignited in piles of trash and scrap metal in the Tsaros area. The fire department arrived promptly on the scene with two fire engines, five firefighters, and a 10-ton vehicle, and fortunately, the fire did not spread.
On Thursday morning, November 7th, near Simonetti’s lumberyard, a short circuit occurred on an electricity pole, while opposite Skiadopoulos Paints at Villa Rossa, a scavenger set fire to rubbish under a block of flats. In addition to the Fire Department, an ambulance also arrived at the scene to provide first aid, as the individual was found unconscious.