Women who drowned in Sidari were mother and daughter from Ukraine

CORFU. The two women were aged 52 and 32. Initially, one woman was in danger and the other swam out to try to help her.
According to eyewitnesses, one woman was in danger, and the other rushed in to help her while swimming. She didn't succeed and lost her life as well.
Another swimmer, a foreign national, also tried to rescue them, but he was unable to save them as it was already too late. He himself made it to the beach safe and sound.
The two were staying at a hotel in the area. They were identified by the wristbands on their wrists. According to sources from the hotel, they were regular customers, visiting Corfu and the area every year.
Strong north winds were blowing in the area, and the waves trapped the swimmers as they pushed them out to sea instead of towards the shore.
At this moment (13:45), they are being taken by ambulance to Corfu Hospital.
Photos/Video: Enimerosi