Πέμπτη 13.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

30 international flight arrivals in March

23 Φεβρουαρίου 2024 / 10:47

CORFU. Where the first direct connections to Corfu Airport will be from.

Thirty international flights are expected to arrive at Corfu Airport in March, starting off this year's tourist season.

According to available data from the Corfu Civil Aviation Authority Employees' Union, the flights are operated by three different airlines and the majority are expected on the last day of March, .

As reported by Enimerosi (16-02-2024), the first flight touches down on Corfu soil on Saturday, March 9th. Ryanair leads the way with a flight arriving from Berlin, with a capacity of 189 passengers.

This specific flight will only operate on the weekends of March (9-10/03, 16-17/03, 23-24/03) until other airlines commence their flight operations. It remains to be seen if the passenger loads for this month will reach desired levels, with an expected increase in arrivals.

This year also sees a significant number of low-cost airlines, which currently dominate arrivals, including new destinations in their schedules. Out of the 30 scheduled arrivals for March, 29 will be operated by low-cost carriers Ryanair and Easyjet.

14 flights on 31 March

The number of flights will gradually increase after March 26, reaching a peak on Sunday, March 31, when the most arrivals are expected. On the last day of March, a total of 14 flights from Berlin (one Ryanair and one Easyjet), Karlsruhe, Manchester, East Midlands, Liverpool (one Ryanair and one Easyjet), Barcelona, Milan, Wroclaw, London (one Easyjet and one British Airways), Belfast, and Bristol are expected to arrive. Earlier, on March 26, three flights are expected from Manchester, Birmingham, and Milan, on the 27th two from Berlin and Birmingham, on the 28th two from East Midlands and Milan, on the 29th from London and Manchester, and on the 30th one from Berlin.

March 9th

For the first arrival from abroad, on March 9th, the entire runway of the airport is expected to be made available for the approach of large aircraft. Currently, work is being done on a section of it, measuring 563 metres, which is why flights to and from Athens are operating with small aircraft. Upon completion of the work, the length of the runway will be extended to 2,475 metres.



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