North Corfu Mayor: "DEYAK has confirmed that the provocative contracts are being withdrawn."

CORFU. "The North Corfu Municipality protest at the DIADIEYADK central offices had a successful outcome."
(North Corfu Mayor's Office).The North Corfu Municipality protest (6 November) at the central offices (in Corfu Town) of the Corfu Municipalities Inter-Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company (DIADIEYADK) against the fait accompli decisions that some are trying to secure - provocative contracts - had a successful outcome.
The General Directorate of DIADIEYADK has confirmed that the provocative contracts - which were signed unethically and improperly shortly before the new municipal authorities took office - are being withdrawn.
We are stating that the period remaining before the new municipal term and the final and conclusive autonomy of North Corfu DEYAK should be characterised by mutual trust and sincerity among the member municipalities of DIADIEYADK, as required by ethical law.
The Municipality of North Corfu is in continuous readiness to defend the interests of the Municipality and its residents. The four-year effort to secure the autonomy of North Corfu DEYAK continues.