Τρίτη 11.02.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

North Corfu Municipality at Attica Green Expo

Attica Green Expo
02 Ιουνίου 2023 / 12:26

CORFU. The Municipality presented its environmental activities for the circular economy, waste management and recycling.

(NORTH CORFU MUNICIPALITY) The Municipality of North Corfu participated in the national conference on the environment at the 2nd Attica Green Expo. The opening took place on Wednesday, May 24, at the Olympic Tae Kwon Do stadium in Paleo Faliro, Athens with representatives from the political and local government sphere, public and private entities, members of the public and students in attendance.

The Municipality of North Corfu was responsible for the setting up of the Ionian Islands Regional Union of Municipalities booth, where they presented their activities concerning the circular economy, waste management and recycling, and environmental initiatives (environmental protection, environmental education, etc.).

The following representatives of the Municipality of North Corfutook part: Mayor Giorgos Mahimaris; Deputy Mayor of Circular Economy, Environment, Social Policy and Public Relations, Spyridoula Kokkali; Secretary General, Konstantinos Provatas and Economist-Statistician, Theodoros Voros.

The talks were part of the "Theophrastos" Green Foundation and the P.E.G.G.T.A. "Kleisthenes." thematic discussions and Deputy Mayor of Circular Economy, Environment, Social Policy, and Public Relations, Spyridoula Kokkali, analysed the topic: "Recycling Spots in Waste Management - The Model of the Municipality of North Corfu," while statistical data was presented and analysed by the Economist-Statistician, Theodoros Voros.

During the exhibition, a wealth of specialised informative materials were distributed regarding the activities of the Municipality of North Corfu, focussing on environmental protection, recycling, and cleanliness, contributing to the collective effort of raising awareness and strengthening the environmental consciousness of citizens, especially the younger generation.

The 4-day conference was organised by the "Kleisthenes" Panhellenic Union of Local Government General Secretaries, the Municipality of Paleo Faliro, the Local Government Staff Training and Consulting Organisation "Forum Training & Consulting," and "Attica Green Expo" Thematic Exhibitions. The Secretary General of the Municipality of North Corfu, Konstantinos Provatas, coordinated proceedings.

The Conference also served as the 4th Annual Meeting of Financial Services Executives from the country's 332 municipalities participating in the " Xenophon National Network of Technological Expertise and Communication of Financial Services Executives."

The Exhibition was crowned with great success, with the attendance of a large number of visitors, including school visits and children accompanied by their parents, to get a firsthand experience of environmental activities and initiatives by public and private entities. They also had the opportunity to participate in presentations on circular economy, recycling, sustainable development, management of goods in emergency situations, and more.

North Corfu Mayor Georgios Mahimaris praised the Ionian Islands Regional Union of Municipalities, its President Alexandros Parisis and the Director General Andreas Zapantis for their excellent organisation and preparation of the municipalities' participation. He also acknowledged the contribution of the Secretary General of the Municipality of North Corfu, Konstantinos Provatas, as the coordinator of the General Secretaries' workshop.