Παρασκευή 14.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Upswing in number of visitors this Easter

Corfu Easter
18 Απριλίου 2023 / 14:30

CORFU. Approximately 40,000 visitors and 8,000 vehicles arrived at Corfu Port. Mayor Meropi Ydraiou talks about record year.

The forecast of unstable weather conditions didn't deter people from making their Easter trips, with a high percentage choosing Corfu as their destination. Not all the visitors have left yet - on Easter Sunday and Monday only half had left - as a significant number chose to extend their visit here.

Official figures have not yet been published by the port and airport and visitors are still leaving.

Corfu Port

All the indications are that there was a record number of arrivals for this year's Easter holiday, including a significant increase at Corfu Port.

Port Authority sources told Enimerosi that there was an increase of 15-20%. At the port alone, approximately 40,000 passengers arrived and a total of 8,000 cars and tourist coaches.

Ferry line sources confirmed the same percentage to Enimerosi. Additional services are put on every Easter and this year there was up to three times the number. In fact, the demand was such that there was a request to the Ministry of Shipping for additional services, which was not approved.

Of special note was the fact that the number of tourist coaches from Orthodox countries, especially from North Macedonia, Serbia, and Albania, increased by up to 40%.

Traffic Police recorded that there were 120 tourist coaches parked in Garitsa and another 100 at Corfu Port Authority in space that had been granted for these days.

Meropi Ydraiou - record year

According to Central Corfu Mayor Meropi Ydraiou's estimate, the island welcomed over 60,000 visitors this year - a record number. "It was really something unprecedented, and the entire municipal mechanism, in collaboration with the involved parties, functioned impeccably," she said. "We are extremely satisfied and proud that Corfu presented the best impression and that both visitors and residents were extremely happy with their experiences of the customs and traditions."

Corfu AIrport

As for air arrivals, the number of flights remained the same for both companies. According to Dimitris Roussos, President of Corfu Civil Aviation Authority Employees Union, the difference was that Sky Express, for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, replaced the 72-seat propeller-driven aircraft used on weekdays with 180-seat Airbus aircraft.