nursery school

Snake in nursery school next to the High Schools
CORFU. The snake was quickly removed.

Children at Potamos Nursery School have to share building with mice!
CORFU. The President of the Association of Primary School Teachers says he hasn΄t had a response from the Mayor or the councillor responsible for education.

South Corfu primary and nursery schools closed due to yesterday΄s weather
CORFU. Even the brand new Vraganiotika School Centre had problems.

The creation of Erikoussa΄s nursery school is a victory for education
CORFU. The school bell sounded for five students who have settled in Erikousa and Mathraki in recent years.

Erikoussa΄s first nursery school opens on Monday
ERIKOUSSA. A significant first for the small island

Corfu 6th Nursery School pupils collect food for stray animals
CORFU. The Corfu 6th Nursery School pupils have set an example for all.

Fallen tree removed from 6th Primary School
CORFU. The removal was completed on Friday morning.

Parents protesting about conditions at 8th Nursery School
CORFU. Parents are asking that it be moved from the prefab buildings next to the high schools.

Municipality promises to carry out immediate repairs at Kontokali Nursery
CORFU. The grass was cut on Tuesday morning.

Holy Blessings for start of new school year at Kontokali Nursery
CORFU. The transfer of the nursery school to containers in Kontokali has been put on hold for the moment following the strong protests of parents and teachers.

Parents reject the transfer of Kontokali Nursery School to prefab buildings
CORFU. Parents have decided not to send their children to the school if the building is unsuitable.

Preschool pupil tests positive for Covid but no need for nursery school to close
CORFU. A pupil at Corfu 5th Nursery School has tested positive for Covid-19.

Rapid tests for nursery school employees
CORFU. The President of Corfu Social Protection & Solidarity Union Maria Zervou announced that rapid tests were conducted.

Donation from Rotary Club to 5th Nursery School
CORFU. Gift of two items of outdoor play equipment following a request from the school and the Parents & Guardians Association.

Mayor meets with Association of Primary and Nursery School Teachers
CORFU. The discussion was about two-year compulsory state pre-school education.