Thursday 06.02.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Children at Potamos Nursery School have to share building with mice!

nursery school
01 Dec 2022 / 11:30

CORFU. The President of the Association of Primary School Teachers says he hasn΄t had a response from the Mayor or the councillor responsible for education.

The President of the Association of Primary School Teachers Antonis Koursaris has posted photos of Potamos Nursery School showing the health risks for the children.

Statement from Antonis Koursaris:

"These photos show what the nursery and pre-nursery children see every day at Potamos Nursery School.

A few days ago there were mice passing through these holes while the children were having their lessons and, because nobody has responded to the countless letters sent by the nursery supervisor, they had to cover them up with a carpet!

The councillor responsible for education said that we don't need to make an issue of it as mice can be seen at all schools!

The situation is the same at all the prefabs ("cute little ones' places" as the councillor calls them) that have been set up by the local authority. The floor beneath their feet is shaky as there are holes and both children and teachers are at risk of injuring themselves.

The Minister for Education had the nerve to visit the 14th Nursery - 'experimental' in name only - which is also accommodated in a container placed in the yard of the primary school. The teachers here, as in all the nurseries, are doing an excellent job despite the difficult conditions.

Did the Mayor and the councillor responsible for education not feel the need to apologise for the unacceptable and shameful situation?"