
Protest march with students and other groups against establishment of private universities
CORFU. Ionian University students, the Teachers΄ Union (ELME), the Workers Centre, as well as representatives from Central Corfu Municipality Parents΄ and Guardians΄ Association took part in the march.

Pupils΄ outcry about police intervention in high schools
CORFU. "We΄re pupils, not criminals," shout pupils.

Pupils΄ sit-in at 1st and 2nd High Schools
CORFU. At 11:30 in the morning, there will be a protest at the High Schools in the aftermath of the events of January 18th, with the support of the Central Corfu Parents΄ Association and the Teachers΄ Union (ELME).

Amphipagiton Junior High School yard still a construction site
CORFU. The school has to open on 1 September and operate normally, conducting upgrading and graduation exams.

Union demands solution to teachers΄ accommodation problem in Corfu
CORFU. The union is asking for the issue to be discussed at regional and municipal council meetings.

Statement from teachers΄ union ELME regarding protest against Education Minister
CORFU. "People wanted to protest in front of the hotel, but they came up against a strong police presence".

Education Minister in Corfu for Deans Summit
CORFU. Teachers΄ unions are preparing a ΄warm΄ welcome for the Education Minister Niki Kerameos.

Workers΄ Centre and teachers΄ union collecting goods for earthquake victims
CORFU. Daily collections 09:00-13:00 and 18:00-20:00.

Secondary Teachers’ Union: Do not take the Smile of the Child’s children away from their familiar environment
CORFU. We demand that the state intervene immediately so that the children from The Smile of the Child will not be taken away from their school and familiar environment.

Pupils and teachers say ΄NO΄ to war
CORFU. Special event in Annunziata Square at 19:30 on Tuesday 12 April.

Corfu teachers΄ unions calling people to join anti-war demonstration in Annunziata Square on Thursday
CORFU. The primary and secondary teachers΄ unions (SEPE and ELME) are calling people to join the protest in Annunziata Square on Thursday at 19:30.

Teachers request that the Regional Director of Education take immediate Covid measures
CORFU. ELME (Secondary School Teachers’ Union) and SEPE (Primary School Teachers’ Union) expressed their demands to the Ionian Islands Regional Director of Education.

Corfu teachers concerned about the increase of Covid-19 cases in schools
CORFU. More than 117 Covid-19 cases in 35 secondary schools since 1 November.

Corfu teachers regarding increase in cases in schools
CORFU. ELME (Secondary School Teachers’ Union) and SEPE (Primary School Teachers’ Union) are calling teachers, parents and pupils for a protest demonstration on Monday 22 November at 13:30 at the Ionian Islands Regional Education Department.

Voluntary clean-up of seabed at Corfu Old Port
CORFU. The clean-up is part of the International Coastal Cleanup Campaign - Meet up at ΄Kaikia΄ at 11:00 on Friday 23 October.

Teachers΄ union to protest at Maraslio at 11:00 today regarding school cleaners
CORFU. ELME (Secondary teachers΄ union)is demanding payment of wages due, signing of new contract, existing cleaning staff to be made permanent and recruitment of new personnel to cover school needs.

Teachers protest in Annunziata Square
CORFU. Ongoing protests against the Ministry of Education΄s Bill from the Primary School Teachers΄ Union (SEPE) and Secondary School Teachers΄ Union (ELME) throughout the country.

VAT reduction for crash helmets
ATHENS. The Government is to reduce VAT on crash helmets from 24% to 13%.