Thursday 06.02.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Corfu teachers΄ unions calling people to join anti-war demonstration in Annunziata Square on Thursday

02 Mar 2022 / 13:49

CORFU. The primary and secondary teachers΄ unions (SEPE and ELME) are calling people to join the protest in Annunziata Square on Thursday at 19:30.

Statement from SEPE;

No to war! No Greek involvement!

Corfu SEPE calls on the people of Corfu and private and public sector unions to join the ant-war demonstration in Annunziata Square at 19:30 on Thursday 3 March.

- Only the broad involvement of the people can stop the catastrophe.
- The war and Russia's invasion of Ukraine must stop.
- Call for an anti-war fight against the dangerous imperialistic warmongering.
- No to weapons. Money to go to health, education, protection of the environment and towns fit to live in!
- Not to nationalism, racism and fascism!

All peoples together in international solidarity for a world that is free and without wars, refugees, poverty and exploitation.

Statement from ELME:

- No Greek involvement in the aggressive plans of USA, NATO and the EU in Ukraine.
- Call for an anti-war fight against the dangerous imperialistic warmongering.

Corfu ELME board calls on all teachers in Corfu to take initiatives in every school (artistic, cultural, sport etc.) with our pupils. Art exhibitions, happenings and other activities can help highlight the horrors of war and that it is the people that pay the price for imperialistic aggression.