corfu prison

Gifts from Association of Friends of Corfu Prison School
CORFU. Panayiota Kapela and Maria Kriga offered their works for the extremely elegant calendar - The aesthetics and production were supervised by Fileni Lorandou.

Collection of basic necessities for Corfu Prison
CORFU. On working days from 09:00 to 20:00 at the Workers΄ Centre until Friday 22 December, following an appointment by phone.

Corfu Prison inmates΄ hunger strike ends
CORFU. The inmates accepted written assurances from the Ministry of Justice that the recruitment of necessary personnel in the prison has been initiated.

Statement from Friends of Corfu Prison School regarding inmates΄ hunger strike
CORFU. The teaching staff has expressed concern about the health of the students at the school, who attend class exhausted and can barely stand in the classroom due to their participation in a hunger strike.

One of Corfu Prison hunger strikers taken to hospital for a while
CORFU. Following medical examinations, he returned to the prison.

Hunger strike at Corfu Prison
CORFU. The protest against prison conditions, the canteen etc. began about a week ago.

Vocational culinary and pastry training for Corfu Prison inmates
CORFU. New programme from the Public Employment Service (formerly OAED) in collaboration with the Ministry of Civil Protection General Directorate of Criminal and Penitentiary Policy.

Corfu Prison chess team takes part in Intercontinental Chess Championship for inmates
CORFU. The team came 6th amongst 88 teams from 46 countries.

Corfu Prison School joins Erasmus programme!
CORFU. European Programme for Educational Innovation and Mobility - The aim is to improve educational practices in correctional education.

Italian Camorra fugitive in Corfu Prison
CORFU. The fugitive appeared before the Corfu Prosecutor, who then ordered that he be held in detention in Corfu Prison.

Corfu Prison School concert tonight at Old Fortress
CORFU. Following the success of Corfu Prison School΄s event "A few left" last year, it is taking place again this year on Wednesday 21 June at 21:00.

Virtual tour of Museum of Contemporary Art in Antwerp for Corfu Prison Second Chance School students
CORFU. As part of the collaboration between the Corfu Prison Second Chance School and the Ionian University Museology Research Laboratory.

Civil Protection Deputy Minister in Corfu to discuss relocation of Corfu Prison
CORFU. The issue of Corfu Prison΄s relocation outside the town is moving forward.

Civil Protection Deputy Minister in Corfu tomorrow to discuss relocation of Corfu Prison
CORFU. As previously reported by Enimerosi, the visit had been expected since mid-February as a suitable new location for the prison is being sought.

Two possible sites for new Corfu Prison
CORFU. Civil Protection Deputy Minister Lefteris Economos will be in Corfu next week to inspect two possible sites for the construction of a new, modern prison on the island.

300kg clothing for prison inmates from North Corfu Municipality
CORFU. The clothing was handed over by the Deputy Mayor for Circular Economy, Environment, Social Policy and Public Relations Spyridoula Kokkali and Civil Protection Supervisor Giorgos Mavropoulos.

Corfu Prison School student writes moving message
CORFU. The inmate sent a message full of kindness and love for the world.

Pupils send Christmas cards to Corfu Prison inmates
CORFU. School pupils sent Christmas cards to the students at Corfu Prison ΄Second Chance΄ school.