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Interior Minister opens ΄New Generation Recycling΄ in Ioannina

02 Feb 2020 / 12:53

IOANNINA. Interior Minister Takis Theodorikakos opened the pilot programme ΄New Generation Recycling΄, in which five Municipalities are participating, in Ioannina.

There will be nine new Reciprocal Recycling kiosks at the facility where members of the public can recycle and gain rewards.

The opening ceremony took place at the Recycling & Environmental Education Park near the lake.

In his address the Archbishop of Ioannina Maximus said, "This is an important project which has come about thanks to everyone's cooperation and aims to make recycling a regular activity in Ioannina." He added that, on the Church's initiative, work has begun at the facility to create and operate a school of environmental education for pupils from all over Greece.

In his address Ioannina Mayor Moses Elisaf stressed that recycling is a significant part of protecting the environment. "We have made a lot of progress in Epirus - with a lot of work, with differences but also with cooperation.

We are now at the forefront - the waste management facility, the transfer stations are almost ready and then the Green Spots. The Municipality will soon be placing the brown bins for biowaste.

However, we can't deny that cleansing still falls short of what we want and what the town needs. We are aware of the problems and accept our responsibility to work to achieve better results.

We would like to ask for the public's cooperation - especially with regard to recycling, it is their efforts that will bring results."

Epirus Regional Governor Alekos Kahrimanis said that a lot of progress in waste management has been made in the region and added that the composting project in Arta is now part of the Interreg cross-border programme. "When we work together we can achieve a lot," he told those present.

The Speaker of Parliament Kostas Tasoulas pointed out that the protection of the environment is a personal matter. "It's a personal responsibility," he said. Saving the environment is in our hands, he added, and the reciprocal recycling programme can play an important part in increasing our awareness of our personal responsibility.

Minister of the Interior Takis Theodorikakos claimed that reciprocal recycling will become a trend - not just in Ioannina, but throughout the country.

"Youngsters have adopted the new generation of recycling and that's why it will succeed. The Ministry of the Interior has launched the programme with five Municipalities but it will spread throughout Greece. Ioannina is a recycling champion because of everyone's participation and cooperation. There are too few of us Greeks for us to be divided... Let's leave our differences behind and move forward together."

The Minister, Archbishop, Speaker, Regional Governor and Ioannina Mayor were the first to recycle at the kiosks - calling on Ioannina to be at the forefront of recycling.