Τετάρτη 22.01.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Protests against closure of Smile of the Child facility in North Corfu

32 χορευτικές ομάδες του νησιού ένωσαν τα χέρια. Διαμαρτυρία για το κλείσιμο του Χαμόγελου του Παιδιού
Smile of the Child
30 Ιουλίου 2024 / 10:49

CORFU. Statement from the Social Workers΄ Association regarding the closure of the ΄Smile of the Child΄ facility in North Corfu.

Recently, the Smile of the Child home in Corfu closed in the form it had been operating until now, resulting in the relocation of the children to other facilities across Greece.

Given the reactions of the local community and various videos with children from the facility protesting against the conditions that arose regarding the operation of the facility where they had been staying until recently, we, as the Ionian Islands Regional Council of the Association of Social Workers, feel the need to record a few things.

The consistent position of the Association of Social Workers regarding child protection facilities, as explicitly stated below, is: "The stay of children in institutions, even for one day, is inherently abusive regardless of their standards. Consequently, the State should proceed with the establishment of a programme for the immediate placement of children hosted in institutions into foster families and the prohibition of admitting children into institutions." This position was articulated in a communication of the Association to the then Deputy Minister, Ms. Domna Michailidou, regarding the Ministerial Decision on the Conditions for the Establishment and Operation of Child Protection and Care Units by non-profit private entities.

Of course, we understand the difficulty on a human level of employees losing their jobs; however, this is a separate issue that requires distinct handling by the workers' union representatives and labour organisations.

The children of the facility should have been properly informed in a timely manner and psychologically supported for their transition to other homes.

In any case, as professional social workers, members, and regional representatives of the Association of Social Workers, we clearly state that our main goal is the protection of children and the creation of a safe environment for them, a condition that can be achieved through the foster care process and the filling of social worker positions in the services responsible for promoting it.

The Administration of the Ionian Islands Regional Department consists of: Aggeliki Romaio, president; Sofia Horti, general secretary; Sofia Barba, treasurer and members Ekaterini Karvouni and Alexandros Alamanos.


PHOTO: One of the many protests against the closure of the facility in Corfu.





Η Διοίκηση του Περιφερειακού Τμήματος Ιονίων Νήσων απαρτίζεται από τους: Αγγελική Ρωμαίου ως πρόεδρο, Σοφία Χόρτη ως γενική γραμματέα, την Σοφία Μπάρμπα ως ταμία και μέλη την Αικατερίνη Καρβούνη και τον Αλέξανδρο Αλαμάνο.

ΦΩΤΟ: Από τις πολλές αντιδράσεις ώστε να μην κλείσει η δομή στην Κέρκυρα.