Serious water supply problem in south

CORFU. The mayor has appealed to the public for restraint and prudence in water consumption.
South Corfu is also seriously affected by the lack of water, as many areas have been without supply for days. Enimerosi contacted the mayor of South Corfu, Vassilis Himariotis, who informed us about the prevailing situation.
The mayor said that, although there is no damage to the network, according to DEYA, South Corfu has also been affected by the water shortage problem that the entire island is facing.
The demand for water is greater than what the sources can provide, partly due to the increase in the number of people because of tourism.
He also mentioned instances where individuals are illegally taking water using secondary pumps for personal use.
According to Mr. Himariotis, in the last two days, more than 400 illegal water supply sources have been shut down in the Korission area.
Furthermore, there are no supplies left from the previous municipal administration, specifically referring to a damaged water tanker they are trying to repair for use.
Reinforcement Needed
To address the immediate problems, the municipal authority is considering solutions that involve either new drilling, support from the Ionian Islands Regional Authority, or coordination with DEDDIE.
As a first measure, a new drilling operation through DEYAK is expected to take place next week in an effort to find new water sources.
On Friday, July 19th, the mayor contacted the Regional Governor, Yiannis Trepeklis, requesting help in the form of water tankers to transport water. He said that he was unable to find water tankers for rent either in Corfu or even in Igoumenitsa.
The municipality is in contact with DEDDIE, proposing that they take on the current debts of DEYA so that South Corfu can be integrated into the network and water can be drawn from Gardiki to meet the needs of the Melitieon Community.
Finally, for the winter period, the solution of drawing water from the artificial lake Moschopoulou is being considered.
The mayor, in closing, appealed to the public for restraint and prudence in water consumption.
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