Παρασκευή 07.02.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Deputy Regional Governor gives reassurances regarding suspension of work on Garitsa shore road

06 Μαρτίου 2024 / 14:10

CORFU. The contractor exercised his rights due to an unpaid bill of 13,616 Euros.

The Deputy Regional Governor for Technical Works and Planning, Giorgos Mamalos, gave reassurances about the progress of the project in Garitsa, following the posting of a document on Diavgeia regarding the suspension of restoration work on the coastal wall and promenade from the area of Desyllas to Anemomylos.

He told Enimerosi that it is common practice among contractors when bills remain unpaid, clarifying that the project is continuing normally and is not at risk.

The specific declaration of work suspension was submitted by the contractor on February 19, due to an unpaid bill of €13,616.30, even though he had submitted the documents for the collection of the first bill in time (22/12/23). However, the bill has not been paid until today, with the contractor exercising his right under the law to suspend work if payment is delayed not due to his fault, beyond one month from its submission.

The contractor's request was accepted by the competent Directorate of the Region with a decision posted yesterday on Diavgeia. As noted in the decision, "We suspend the works of the project 'Restoration of coastal wall and promenade on Garitsa shore road from Desyllas to Anemomylos,' until the above-mentioned problem is resolved. We call on the contractor to take all necessary measures and actions to minimise the chances of damage, deterioration, or loss of materials and general damage to the project."



Galiatsatos' remarks

The issue of work suspension was commented on by former Regional Governor and head of the ANASA party, Theodoros Galiatsatos, calling on Yiannis Trepeklis to cut down on his travels and focus on the image of Corfu. He stated: "Suspension of works on the (much-troubled) coastal project in Garitsa from Desyllas to Anemomylos! Due to an unpaid bill of 13,000 Euros submitted since 24/11/2023. Mr. Regional Governor, cut down on your travels and press releases a bit and deal with the image of Corfu. The bad precedent of Kratsa's Regional Authority should not continue in this project."

Mamalos' inspection in January

Last January, Mr. Mamalos held a working meeting with the representative of the contracting company executing the project and was guided through the construction site to assess the progress of the works. As he had stated then, the Regional Authority's goal is to accelerate the pace of work so that the project is completed as soon as possible, with the basic condition, of course, that it fully meets aesthetic and functional excellence.

However, the project, contracted on 10-08-2023, is progressing slowly, with the main challenge being its completion within the schedule. The deadline for completion is one year from the signing of the contract.



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