Only minor works remain to be carried out for Garitsa-Anemomylos Parks redevelopment - Update by Meropi Ydraiou on Saturday

CORFU. The outgoing Central Corfu Municipal Authority will deliver the Garitsa Park redevelopment project.
A few days before the change of the Central Corfu Municipal Authority, the outgoing Mayor will deliver the project of the Garitsa-Anemomylos Parks redevelopment.
Meropi Ydraiou will update the public and residents of the area on the project that has been essentially completed tomorrow, Saturday 23 December, at 11:00 in the events hall of the Garitsa Park.
"99% of the work has been completed," the Deputy Mayor for Technical Works Nikos Kalogeros told Enimerosi. "There are only a few minor works left that cannot be carried out now due to humidity. A paving also remains to be done, while the lawn is still fenced off to protect it from animals until it gets stronger." Nikos Kalogeros appears extremely pleased with the new shape the parks have taken.