Agros Wave: School music festival organised by Agros Junior and High Schools

21 Δεκεμβρίου 2023
/ 15:34
CORFU. A festival where pupils are the protagonists and which they, themselves, and not the adults, plan.
A music festival for pupil bands is being organised for the first time at Agros Junior & High Schools in North Corfu. A festival where pupils are the protagonists and which they, themselves, and not the adults, plan. It will take place in early April, 2024, at Agros Junior & High Schools.
For those wishing to participate:
By the end of February 2024, pupil bands must send the following to [email protected]:
- The demo with which they will participate, along with contact information.
- A brief biography of their band and its members.
- Proof of pupil status.