Παρασκευή 07.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Diapontia Islands say no to wind turbines

wind turbines
28 Nov 2023 / 09:54

CORFU. Protest resolution from the Diaponti Islands Cultural Societies - Othoni, Erikoussa and Mathraki.

The cultural societies of the three Diapontia Islands at the northwestern tip of the country have joined their voices with the general outcry against the plan for the installation and operation of a wind park from both the Central Corfu and Diapontia Islands Municipal Council and all the island's MPs (ND-SYRIZA-PASOK).

The resolution:

We, the residents of the Diapontia Islands (Othoni – Erikoussa – Mathraki), from the northwesternmost point of Greece, unite our voices with local government authorities, associations, and communities, declaring our strong opposition to the attempted destruction of our region through the proposed installation of a wind park among the Diapontia Islands.

The Hellenic Hydrocarbon and Energy Resources Management Company put the Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the National Programme for the Development of Offshore Wind Parks out for public consultation, including in our Diapontia Islands, with a deadline of November 31, 2023. This process, however, was conducted in an unacceptable manner, as the relevant online consultation platform DOES NOT FUNCTION, and views and opinions could only be submitted via email!

The Study includes a polygon for installation at sea between our islands, Othoni, Erikoussa, and Mathraki, proposing the installation of dozens of 15 MW wind turbines. The predominant model of such power has a rotor diameter of 236 metres and a height of up to 280 metres. In other words, their height will exceed the highest peaks of Erikoussa and Mathraki.

We declare that we are not opposed to Renewable Energy Sources, as long as they contribute to protection and do not harm our environment and quality of life. However, the creation of a wind park in our region is not an appropriate Renewable Energy Source. The Environmental Impact Assessment is vitiated both institutionally and legally, as well as substantively.

Our area has two Natura 2000 zones of the Natura 2000 Network: the Special Protection Area for Birds with code GR2230008 and the Special Conservation Area "Diapontia Islands Marine Area" with code GR223001. The potential for serious impacts on the species inhabiting our area is acknowledged even by the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment researchers. The threat of loss and displacement of avifauna and marine mammals and turtles is real. The proposed Regional Spatial Plan for the Diapontia Islands does not respect that, nor does it adhere to the protection mandated by Community Law for these species.

The creation of a wind park will have chain reactions and destructive consequences for our region, with the real risk of its abandonment. The proposed power, the number of wind turbines, their height and diameter, the environmental impacts (both marine and terrestrial), the economy, transport, safety, tourist development, and overall life implications are incalculable. These consequences have not been considered in this Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment, which locates the wind turbines just 1.5 nautical miles off the coast of Othoni.

Our parents and grandparents immigrated to the far corners of the world to work and help our islands to prosper. We wish to live in these islands, and we do not want them to be deserted. This is our duty, and this is what we strive for. We will not be displaced from our land.

For all the above reasons, we believe that the establishment of the proposed Regional Spatial Plan for the Diapontia Islands does not comply with the legal prerequisites based on national and European law and will result in severe consequences for the economy, the landscape, and life in our region.

Because our region:

  1. Is borderland, with all that implies for issues of national sovereignty and security.
  2. Is within protected Natura 2000 areas.
  3. Is developing as a tourist destination.
  4. Hosts marine mammals particularly sensitive to wind turbines.
  5. Is on migratory bird routes.
  6. Is in a zone significant for coastal fishing.

The entirety of our local entities, citizens and the scientific community demand:

  • NO wind turbines in the Natura marine area.
  • NO wind turbines in our Diapontia Islands.
  • NO destruction of the unique natural beauty of our region.
  • Protection of our Diapontia Islands, with low-key interventions to keep them hospitable for everyone.

We express strong opposition to the establishment of the Regional Spatial Plan for the Diapontia Islands and declare that we do not recognise the validity of the plan for the Offshore Wind Farm Plan currently under consultation and the subsequent Environmental Impact Assessment. Furthermore, we demand the exclusion of the marine area of the Diapontia Islands from any future installation of offshore wind farms, and we reserve the right to take legal action in the event of such developments.

We call upon all political representatives of our region and the citizens of our country and the EU to stand with us and fight to prevent the implementation of these plans that will desertify and destroy our land.


Othoni Cultural Society

Erikoussa Cultural Society

Mathraki Cultural & Environmental Society