Παρασκευή 14.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Project to repair road by Messonghi river put out to tender

14 Μαρτίου 2023 / 21:30

CORFU. Residents and businesses are calling for permanent solutions with infrastructure projects to address the serious problems throughout the basin of the Messonghi river.

The Ionian Islands Region announced an open tender for the completion of the remaining part of the road by the Messonghi river with retaining walls and roadworks.
Almost 17 months after Ballos and while the tourist season is approaching, the project that was not moving forward and which residents and businesses of the area were asking for was finally put out to tender.
The initial work carried out long ago involved only the section at the river mouth, with the rest of the road being on hold as the usual pace of the public sector did not facilitate the long-awaited project to be put out to tender until recently.
Following many procedures, the study was deemed mature, the tender documents were approved by the Finance Committee and yesterday the Ionian Islands Region announced an open tender for the selection of the project's contractor.
In 12 months
The project, which has to be completed in 12 months, has a €400,000 budget and is funded from resources of the Ministry of Interior.
Those interested will be able to submit their bids until Friday 31 March, while the online opening of tenders will take place on Tuesday 4 April at 10:00.
The project
According to the study, the project includes works exclusively for restoration, such as carrying out again technical works that failed, removal of debris from the river bed, cleaning and protection of slopes.
The works will be carried out over 239 metres and up to 731 metres from the river mouth at the bridge.
Permanent solutions
However, residents and businesses are calling for permanent solutions with flood protection works to address the serious problems in the entire Messonghi river, as South Corfu, and especially Messonghi and Moraitika, flood lately with every heavy rainfall.
Preliminary study for the river basin
The Ionian Islands Region started a preliminary study for the river basin from Pentati to Messonghi and the advertisement for the drafting of the relevant study is expected to follow, which will show where the flooding reaches, as well as the works that need to be carried out in order to prevent the existing river from flooding.
Residents and professionals keep waiting, without ruling out any new protests, as they had held one a while ago at the Messonghi bridge.
"We have no update about anything. Soon the tourist season will start and the damage Ballos caused to the Messonghi river has not been repaired yet", the Messonghi Struggle Committee member and elected Chlomotiana local councillor Dimitris Avlianos told Enimerosi.
As he said, they have requested a meeting within the week with the Corfu ND MP Stefanos Gikas and the Deputy Regional Governor for Corfu Kostas Zorbas, in order to be informed about the progress of the study on the basin, as well as the implementation of the required flood protection works in the area.