San Giacomo Old Town Hall lit up in memory of Holocaust victims

San Giacomo
27 Ιανουαρίου 2023
/ 11:25
CORFU. San Giacomo Old Town Hall was lit up with the message "We Remember" on the eve of International Holocaust Remembrance Day (27 January).
San Giacomo Old Town Hall was lit up with the message "We Remember" last night - the eve of International Holocaust Remembrance Day (27 January).
Corfu paid a high price in the war as the Nazis exterminated 91% of its Jewish population. It is estimated that around 1,700 Corfu Jews were executed in the concentration camps at the time and only a few, around 180, managed to escape and return to their homes.
San Giacomo was lit up on the initiative of Central Corfu Municipality in collaboration with the Jewish community.
During the Holocaust, the largest genocide in world history, it is estimated that about 3 million Jews were killed in the extermination camps alone. The total number of Jews killed was approximately 6 million.
Corfu paid a high price in the war as the Nazis exterminated 91% of its Jewish population. It is estimated that around 1,700 Corfu Jews were executed in the concentration camps at the time and only a few, around 180, managed to escape and return to their homes.
San Giacomo was lit up on the initiative of Central Corfu Municipality in collaboration with the Jewish community.
During the Holocaust, the largest genocide in world history, it is estimated that about 3 million Jews were killed in the extermination camps alone. The total number of Jews killed was approximately 6 million.