Negative court decision for 48 former Municipal contract workers

contract workers
31 Ιουλίου 2018
/ 08:08
CORFU. Corfu Court of the First Instance gave a negative decision against the lawsuit brought by 48 Municipal contract workers.
Corfu Court of the First Instance gave a negative decision yesterday against the lawsuit brought by 48 Municipal contract workers who hadn't been given permanent positions by the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP). The court decision came a few days after the dismissal of their interim application for reinstatement.
ASEP had requested applications for permanent positions in the Cleansing Services. Previously, workers had been on temporary contracts which were continuously extended. When the Council of State ruled that these extensions were illegal, the Government was forced to invite applications via ASEP for permanent positions to cover the Municipality's needs.
A large number of those who had previously been temporary contract workers were not recruited and thus became unemployed.
ASEP had requested applications for permanent positions in the Cleansing Services. Previously, workers had been on temporary contracts which were continuously extended. When the Council of State ruled that these extensions were illegal, the Government was forced to invite applications via ASEP for permanent positions to cover the Municipality's needs.
A large number of those who had previously been temporary contract workers were not recruited and thus became unemployed.