Sunday 06.10.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ


05 Mar 2018 / 11:09
Temploni landfill: Mayor gives written commitments

CORFU. The document that the Temploni Action Committee requested from the Corfu mayor as a prerequisite for the removal of the landfill blockade is now in their hands.

04 Mar 2018 / 11:18
Action Committee meeting this evening to discuss the blockade at Temploni landfill

CORFU. "Give us two months," the Mayor told residents at the end of his meeting with them at Temploni landfill this morning.

04 Mar 2018 / 11:23
Corfu Mayor visits Temploni landfill – hoping for the removal of the blockade

CORFU. Mayor Kostas Nikolouzos visited the Temploni landfill today to talk with those blockading the entrance and ask them to help relieve the difficult situation Corfu finds itself in with the roads full of rubbish.

04 Mar 2018 / 07:33
Corfu Mayor to visit Temploni landfill today

CORFU. Mayor Kostas Nikolouzos will be visiting the occupied Temploni landfill today at 11:00.

02 Mar 2018 / 13:37
Corfu Mayor to update Action Committee today

CORFU. Mayor Kostas Nikolouzos told Enimerosi that he is going to meet with the Action Committee – which has set up a blockade at Temploni landfill – to update its members on what was said at the recent meeting at the Ministry of the Interior.

01 Mar 2018 / 16:12
Temploni protestors: “We’re not leaving!”

CORFU. 500 metres from the entrance to Temploni landfill the protestors remain adamant. “We won’t allow the landfill to open unless it’s to remove the waste bales.”

28 Feb 2018 / 16:06
Environment Minister says to Corfu representatives – No riot police and no rubbish on the streets. Open up Lefkimmi as soon as possible

ATHENS. The magic solution that some were hoping for disappeared in a matter of 2½ hours on the 7th floor of the Ministry of the Interior building.

28 Feb 2018 / 13:18
Cleansing Service guide: How to deal with the accumulation of rubbish

CORFU. The Municipal Cleansing Service is at present unable to continue collecting rubbish due to the blockade barring entry to Temploni landfill.

28 Feb 2018 / 07:16
Blockade of Temploni landfill continues – only hospital refuse trucks allowed to enter

CORFU. Following its meeting yesterday evening the Central Corfu Residents Action Committee decided to continue its blockade of Temploni landfill.

27 Feb 2018 / 11:46
Temploni landfill: Prosecutor asks residents to do things legally

CORFU. The prosecutor Ms Tataki inspected the landfill following the invitation from residents.

27 Feb 2018 / 09:45
Corfu Prosecutor at Temploni landfill

CORFU. Another visit to the landfill after the major waste crisis in summer 2016.

26 Feb 2018 / 11:04
Public prosecutor to visit Temploni landfill on Tuesday

CORFU. The Public Prosecutor, Mr. Tatakis, met with members of the Central Corfu Residents Action Committee for 1½ hours this morning.

25 Feb 2018 / 11:05
Temploni public meeting in progress – some absentees plus some frayed nerves

CORFU. The Temploni public meeting, organized by the Temploni Cultural Society, is in progress at the moment.

24 Feb 2018 / 10:14
Local residents say that Temploni landfill is under occupation – the Mayor says that employees are working normally

CORFU. Locals hung banners on the gates of the landfill and claimed that there was a strong mobilization of residents. Temploni Cultural Society, who are organizing a public meeting tomorrow, are not connected with this group.

25 Feb 2018 / 17:06
Temploni Cultural Society calls on everyone to come to Temploni on Sunday

CORFU. Temploni Cultural Society is holding a public meeting for local residents on SUNDAY 25th February at 11.30 at the Society’s office in Temploni Square.

20 Feb 2018 / 10:41
Waste management: Corfu representative committee to meet with Minister next Wednesday

CORFU. Following the decision of the Corfu Town Council at its last meeting, the representative committee which has been set up will meet with the Minister of the Interior, Panos Skourletis, on Wednesday 28th February.

16 Feb 2018 / 13:47
Institute of Geology & Mineral Exploration inspect subsidence in Temploni

CORFU. On Tuesday 13th a team from the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME) inspected the subsidence in Akrokefalou, Temploni in order to re-evaluate the situation.

14 Feb 2018 / 14:38
Temploni President: Whether or not the landfill closes, Corfu will drown in rubbish

CORFU. Temploni Cultural Society calls on all interested parties to come forward with proposals.