Sunday 07.07.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ


25 Jul 2019 / 00:00
Open-air cinema in the Capodistrias Museum gardens!

CORFU. "The Best Offer" written and directed by Giuseppe Tornatore.

18 Jul 2019 / 00:00
New date for postponed Capodistrias Museum concert

CORFU. The ΄Old΄ Philharmonic Society concert at the Museum with soloist Panayiotis Pratsos had to be postponed on Saturday 13th due to the weather.

21 Jul 2019 / 00:00
΄Songs from the past΄ - Songs from old Athens at Capodistrias Museum

CORFU. Evropoulou ΄Capodistrias΄ Choir is organising a ΄retro΄ musical evening with songs from old Athens.

13 Jul 2019 / 00:00
Panayiotis Pratsos in concert with ΄Old΄ Philharmonic at Capodistrias Museum

CORFU. The ΄Old΄ Philharmonic Band will be giving a concert at the Capodistrias Museum in Koukouritsa, Evropoulo on Saturday 13 July at 21:00.

11 May 2019 / 09:33
Flavours and music from the time of Capodistrias at Corfu Old Palace

CORFU. 2nd Corfu Food and Wine Festival

23 Apr 2019 / 00:00
"In Search of the Easter Egg" at the Capodistrias Museum

CORFU. Invitation from the Capodistrias Museum and Centre for Capodistrias Studies to all youngsters and their escorts.

28 Mar 2019 / 07:42
Lausanne joins Capodistrias City Network

CORFU. The existing members are Corfu, Nafplio, Aegina, Ammochostos and Koper-Capodistria (Slovenia).

22 Dec 2018 / 00:00
Capodistrias Philharmonic Society Preparatory Section - Christmas concert

CORFU. Capodistrias Philharmonic Society Preparatory section will be holding a Christmas celebration on Saturday 22 December.

21 Oct 2018 / 00:00
Capodistrias Philharmonic Society song recital

CORFU. Sunday 21 October 19:00 - 21:00 at the Capodistrias Philharmonic Society hall.

02 Oct 2018 / 06:24
Karousades and Thinalaion Philharmonic Bands in Nafplion

NAFPLION. They performed at events for the anniversary of Ioannis Capodistrias΄ death.

27 Sep 2018 / 12:31
Memorial service for Ioannis Capodistrias

CORFU. On the 187th anniversary of his assassination in Nafplion (27 September, 1831).

27 Sep 2018 / 00:00
Capodistrias Museum: Activities for the anniversary of the assassination of the first Governor of Modern Greece

CORFU. 27 September is the 187th anniversary of the assassination of Ioannis Capodistrias in Nafplion.

09 Sep 2018 / 10:10
΄Capodistrias΄ Philharmonic Youth Band in the Old Town Hall Square

CORFU. Conducted by Alexandros Koskinas

07 Sep 2018 / 12:31
Archbishop of Albania visits Capodistrias Museum

CORFU. Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durrës and All Albania, who is in Corfu as guest of honour at the 1st International Conference for Ionian Islands Expatriates, visited the Capodistrias Museum.

01 Sep 2018 / 00:00
Enrolment in music classes at ΄Capodistrias΄ Philharmonic opens on 1 September

CORFU. Class enrolment at ΄Capodistrias΄ Philharmonic Society for the new academic year will begin on 1 September - open daily 17:00 - 20:00.

02 Sep 2018 / 00:00
"Songs by Greek Composers": Evroupolis Choir and Kinopiastes Philharmonic Band

CORFU. Evropoulos ΄Capodistrias΄ Choir is organizing a musical evening ΄Songs by Greek Composers΄ on Sunday 2 September.

10 Jul 2018 / 10:30
Serbs returning to Corfu for 100th anniversary

CORFU. Corfu - ΄Crf΄ as it is called in Serbian (minus the vowels)- is deeply ingrained in the consciousness of the Serbs, formerly Yugoslavians, as one of the birthplaces of their modern state.

16 Jul 2018 / 00:00
Concert with the Old Philharmonic Society Symphony Orchestra at Capodistrias Museum

CORFU. The Society΄s Symphony Orchestra will be putting on its first concert at the completely renovated Capodistrias Museum (Koukouritsa, Evropoulos) on Monday 16th July at 21:00.