Writer Anthony McGowan speaking at Capodistrias Museum

Literary Festival
27 Sep 2019
/ 06:43
CORFU. The talk is part of the Corfu Literary Festival, which is organised in Corfu at the end of summer every year.
The week-long festival includes history, literarature, gastronomy and cultural events as well as a cricket match.
The British writer Anthony McGowan will be speaking at the Capodistrias Museum on Sunday 29 September at 18:00.
Following the recent publication of his book 'How to teach philosophy to your dog' Anthony McGowan will be giving a talk 'Philosophy: Why does it matter?'.
The talk will be in English and will be followed by discussion.
Admission free.
The British writer Anthony McGowan will be speaking at the Capodistrias Museum on Sunday 29 September at 18:00.
Following the recent publication of his book 'How to teach philosophy to your dog' Anthony McGowan will be giving a talk 'Philosophy: Why does it matter?'.
The talk will be in English and will be followed by discussion.
Admission free.