Sunday 23.02.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

What is happening with the Cadastre in Corfu?

Από την συνάντηση του προέδρου του Δικηγορικού Συλλόγου, Γ. Κοντού με τον εκπρόσωπο της εργολάβου Κοινοπραξίας «ΓΕΩΚΑΤΑΓΡΑΦΗ» Β. Τσίγκα
Land Registry
18 Oct 2024 / 10:26

CORFU. Only 15% of the land registration is expected to be completed by November 30th! An urgent extension of the declarations is being requested. A meeting between the president of the Lawyers Association and the representative of the contracting company is taking place.

A meeting was held between the president of the Lawyers Association and the representative of the contractor consortium 'Geokatagrafi,' Vassilis Tsigas, which has undertaken the land registration project in Corfu and Thesprotia.

The rate of declarations in Corfu remains very low (with that of Thesprotia being only slightly better). Once the consortium processes the declarations and incomplete ones are rejected, the project is estimated to reach 15%.

In response to the president of the Lawyers Association's question on whether anything has been planned for the next steps and the remaining 85%, the answer was negative.

Mr. Tsigas stated that there will be no preliminary posting, but instead, a final posting directly. Therefore, the submission of declarations will cease after 1/12/2024. The processing of the submitted declarations' data will follow, and appeals will be judged, but only for those related to the submitted declarations.

Afterwards, and unless there is a legislative intervention, the final percentage (this minimal amount) will be integrated into the operational Land Registry, and any future land registration will have to be carried out by the Ionian Islans Land Registry Office. However, no one can guarantee that it will be able to do so, given that it struggles to even carry out its routine work.

In cases of ambiguity, the Land Registry Office will request court rulings, which will result in almost all property in Corfu being brought before the courts!