Tuesday 11.02.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Piraeus Bank views Municipality΄s interest in Desyllas factory positively

Piraeus Bank
20 Mar 2024 / 16:17

CORFU. Mayor Stefanos Poulimenos met with a delegation of executive leaders from the bank at the Marasleio Town Hall.

A delegation of executive leaders from Piraeus Bank viewed Central Corfu Municipality's interest in acquiring the historic Desyllas industrial complex positively. The property is going up for auction for the third time on Wednesday, April 3rd.

This matter was among the topics discussed at a meeting today at Marasleio Town Hall by Mayor Stefanos Poulimenos with a delegation from Piraeus Bank, headed by Maria Mavromataki, General Manager of the Northern Greece network. The bank is proceeding urgently with online auctions for the property due to debts of the owners amounting to €500,000.


Three reasons

The Mayor outlined the reasons why this significant landmark of the island should come under municipal ownership, focusing on three points. He stated that if the industrial complex is acquired by the Municipality, it will prevent the area from being cemented over, uncover the archaeological treasures it holds, and utilise the preserved buildings for educational and cultural purposes. He pointed out that no private interest can express these three specific reasons meaningfully.

"The assessment is that due to the high archaeological interest, the area cannot be commercially exploited. The most prudent choice is for the property to be transferred to the Municipality," Stefanos Poulimenos told Enimerosi following the meeting, highlighting that the delegation viewed the Municipality's interest in acquiring it positively.

The sticking point of the balance sheets

However, as its finances do not allow it, in order to secure the amount required for the property purchase, the Municipality will need to borrow from a financial institution. The sticking point, however, lies in the condition set by the bank, which requires the submission of the balance sheets for the last three years. As Mr. Poulimenos told Enimerosi, the balance sheet for 2020 exists, but those for 2021 and 2022 are pending. For this reason, he has instructed the Services for their immediate preparation, so that they can subsequently be voted on by the Municipal Council and then submitted to the bank, with which they will negotiate for the loan.

Under the hammer for third time

Meanwhile, time is ticking for the new auction of the property - a gem in the suburb of Garitsa - the third in a row, as the other two ended fruitlessly. The repeat process is scheduled for Wednesday, April 3rd, at 10 a.m. This time, however, the starting bid price has dropped to €6,589,600, or 80% of the initially set €8,237,000. As Mr. Poulimenos stated, the Municipality cannot be ready by this date under any circumstances, due to the procedures that must precede with the preparation of the pending balance sheets.



Photo: FB / Stefanos Poulimenos