Seven arrests in Corfu in five hours

CORFU. 133 driving violations.
There were 7 arrests in Corfu and 133 driving offences.
Between 19:00 and 24:00 on Monday 31 July, police in Corfu carried out checks for the following:
227 vehicles and 252 individuals were checked, leading to 7 arrests for the following offences:
- 1 for possession of drugs
- 1 for illegal residency
- 2 for playing music outwith the times allowed
- 1 catering establishment for lack of proper health certificates
- 1 for illegal street trading
- 1 domestic violence
There were 133 driving offences, including the following:
- 3 without MOT
10 vehicles were immobilised for driving under the influence, driving without a licence, not having a proper exhaust and not having MOT.
There was also one case of smoking in a no smoking area.